Research work

Research work

Research work

Teachers of the department supervise the research work of students.

The department is working on the initiative research topic of the R&D department: “Modern trends in the development of the tourism market of Kazakhstan” - head Doctor of Economics, Professor Kamenova M.Zh.

The research work of the teaching staff of the department within the framework of this direction has an initiative and exploratory nature. The main end results are the defense of master's theses, the writing of monographs, textbooks, articles, presentations at scientific and practical conferences, updating educational and lecture material. The results of research work are reflected in reports on the research work of teachers for the year.

Within the framework of the research work of young scientists, a positive trend is clearly visible in increasing the number of publications with a non-zero impact factor, which indicates the development of currently relevant problems and issues. The research results of the department's teaching staff are reflected in publications:

- Kamenova M.Zh. World Journal on Educational Technology. The technology of criterion assessment of students’ knowledge in geography lessons.: Current Issues. Volume 14, Issue 2, (2022) 414-425. Doi:

- Mizambekova Zh.K. Argi- Food Industry and environmental Impact to Ensure Sustainable Development. Factors and Threats Awareness in the Post–Pandemic Period World. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism.Quarterly.Volume ХШI issue 7/63 Vinter 2022. ISSN 2067-7729 Journal DOI.

- Atikeeva S.N. Germination of chamomile (Matricaria recutita) seeds during cryopreservation using PVS2 cryoprotectant (Scopus) DOI: 10.31830/2348- 542.2022.063. Article Id: 063 Page : 466-472

- Atikeeva S.N., Karazhanova M.Kh. The technology of criterion assessment of students’ knowledge in geography lessons. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues. Volume 14, Issue 2, (2022) 414-425. Doi:

In September 2022, the teachers of the department published a collective monograph “Ecology tourism in Kazakhstan” (10.1 pp.)

  The teaching staff of the Department of Design, Service and Tourism of the University of Turan-Astana attaches special importance to the introduction of innovations, modern pedagogical technologies and teaching methods into the educational process.

An Innovative Development Program has been developed, covering aspects of the university’s activities such as: the introduction of innovations and innovative technologies in the educational process, educational and methodological, scientific and technical, social, innovations in the qualitative improvement of the book supply of the university’s library fund, electronic information support for students.

At the Department of Design, Service and Tourism, the introduction of innovative technologies (InT) is carried out in an active mode, for which a regulatory, legal and information base has been created. The implementation of the program is carried out according to the following successive stages of execution: development, updating, publication, distribution, making changes.

At the Department of Design, Service and Tourism, in October 2022-2023 academic year, 2 circles were created and carried out research work: “Motion design” and “Turan-Astana”

The senior lecturer of the department, Ospanov Gaziz Khamievich, is responsible for organizing the activities of the circle.

Responsible for organizing the activities of the circle is master, senior teacher Galiakbarov E.E.

The goal of the student group “Motion design” is to familiarize students with new ways of interaction between graphics, video and animation in the modern media industry.

Mastery of all the tools necessary to complete the entire production cycle of graphic projects.

Acquiring practical knowledge in various genres, areas of motion design and animation of varying degrees of complexity and various purposes using various digital technologies. Formation of experience and skills in various genres, areas of motion design and animation.

The tasks of the Motion Design circle are design and development of modular information, graphic and animation structures based on the principles of programmable art;

Students participating in the Motion Design club must know the basics of content design, the principles of video editing, the rules of working with sound for video, and learn how to create animation.

During the period from October 10 to November 5, 2022, the Republican Olympiad was held (remotely) dedicated to World Tourism Day. The organizer of this Olympiad was the Kazakh-American Free University, in which five teams were represented from the club. Based on the results of the Olympiad, the club teams were awarded a 2nd degree diploma and certificates of participation.


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