Research work

Research work

Research work

The main requirements for research work are relevance, high theoretical level, practical significance and close connection with the educational process.

The scientific work of the teaching staff is implemented in the following areas:

• Psychological and pedagogical foundations of spiritual and moral development of the individual - head, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor G.D. Baubekova.

• Assimilation of social experience: psychological and pedagogical aspect – head of candidate of psychological sciences, professor Zhantikeev S.K.

• Use of the sign-symbolic system in intellectual development - head senior teacher Vlasova N.V.

• Study of the ethical conceptual sphere of the people and thinkers of the past through approaches, principles, methods of cognitive-ethical, linguistic synergetics of new humanitarian knowledge. Supervisors - Doctor of Philology, Professor Abisheva K.M., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Aykenova R.A., Ph.D., Professor Umirzakova L.A., Idrisova M.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor Imankul A.S.

• Salystyrmaly zhane salgastyrmaly til bilimi, Audarmatan. Head - Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor Donbaeva A.B.

• The development of cognitive abilities is significant through symbolic means.

• Study of individual personality differences. Head Senior lecturer Kurmangalieva Zh.K.

As part of the funding of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2024, teachers of the Department of SG&NiAD won a grant:

1. Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Abisheva K.M., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Aikenova R.A., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor Umirzakova L.A., Idrisova M. L.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor Imankul A.S. The study of the ethnic conceptual sphere of the people and thinkers of the past through the approaches, principles, methods of cognitive-ethical linguistic synergetics - new humanitarian knowledge. 2023-2025

2. Grant from the Akimat of Turkestan: Abuov A.P. Turkistan tarikh. 2023-2025

It is necessary to note the activation of the department's teaching staff in publications in WoS, Scopus journals - 20 publications and journals recommended by the Committee for Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 50 publications, author's monographs - 12, collective monographs with foreign authors - 16, which allowed them to take leading positions among departments at TAU ​​and is an indicator of the high scientific potential of the teaching staff department and the university as a whole.


Analysis of the publication activity of the teaching staff: for the period from 2020 to 2023, the teaching staff - 200 articles and abstracts were published, of which 72 articles were articles in journals recommended by KKSON, the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, RSCI, 93 articles in international and republican conferences.

Based on the results of scientific research, the university publishes a scientific journal: “Bulletin of the Turan-Astana University”, an annual multi-volume collection of materials from an international conference (since 2017), an annual collection of materials from student scientific works (since 2014).


For the period from 2020-2023, articles have been published in scientific peer-reviewed international publications Sccopus, Thomson Reuters, Springs:

1. Aykenova, R.A.b, Baikhozhaeva, B.U.C, Suguralieva Professional factors of the occurrence of emotional burnout syndrome (Article).

2. Zhanabayev, K., Nagymzhanova, K., Shaimerdenova, N., Turgenbaeva, A., Tleubayeva, N. Formulaic Language and Style of Turkic Zhyrau of the 15-18th Centuries Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanitiesthis link is disabled, 2022, 14(2)

3. Nagymzhanova K.M. Conference Proceedings: International Best Practices in Pedagogical Activity: Experience, Risks, Prospects 2022, EurAsian Scientific Editions SA, Geneva, Switzerland Eur Asian Scientific Editions Ltd, Hong Kong 2022, EurAsian Scientific Editions OY, Tallinn, Estonia

4. Nazilya M. Irgebaeva The formation of tolerance among various ethnic groups as a way to increase well-being Titolo Rivista: RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA' Autori/Curatori:   2020 Fascicolo: 1 Lingua: Inglese Numero pagine:  18 P. 353-370

5. Baubekova G.D. Modelo de formação para habilidades de monitoramento de professores universitários.  Revista on line de Política e Gestão Educacional, Araraquara, v. 25, n. esp.6, 2021.


6. Baubekova G.D. Transformation of modern Kazakh family in the context of globalization.INTERNATIONAL BEST PRACTICES OF PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY: EXPERIENCE, RISKS, PROSPECTS.- 2022, EurAsian Scientific Editions SA, Geneva, Switzerland

7. Zhantikeev S.K. AGE DYNAMICS OF DEVIANT BEHAVIOR OF ADOLESCENTS. Georgian Medical News. No 6 (303) 2020

8. Serik Zhantikeyev, Study of family system characteristics in co-dependent women. Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2020; 3: 79–92

9. Aubakirova S.D. Teachers’ Attitudes towards Inclusive Education in Kazakhstan // Integration of Education. 2020 - DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.098.024.202001.008-019

10. Irgebayeva N.M. Modelo de formação para habilidades de monitoramento de professores universitários Revista on line de Política e Gestão Educacional, Araraquara, v. 25, n. esp.6, 2021.

11. Irgebayeva N.M. Educational quality management in improving student's capital. The format of tolerance among various ethnic groups as way to increase well-being•Rivista di Studi sulla Sostenibilita. Volume 2020, Issue 1, 2020, page 353-370

12. Zhientaeva B.J. Dual education conditions for pedagogical bases of specialists inclusive training.  Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences. Volume 17, Issue 3, (2022) 765-771

13. Amantayeva A.K. Formation of readiness of future teachers-psychologists for the organization of psycho-diagnostic activity Cyprus Journal of Educational Sciences Volume 17, Issue 8, (2022) 2960-2970


Publication of textbooks and teaching aids for use in the educational process:

1. Baubekova G.D. Studentterdin innovatiyalyk madeniyetin kalyptastyru". - Adistemelik nuskau kuraly. Kurastyrgan: – Nur-Sultan: Turan – Astana University - 2020. – 112 b.

2. Baubekova G.D. Cultural and value transformations of the modern Kazakh family in the context of globalization. - Ethno-cultural unity and diversity. Textbook: textbook / comp. and scientific ed., D. sociol. n. S.V. Guzenin; introductory article, D. philos. n., prof. A.L. Marshak. – Tambov: Publishing House "Derzhavinsky", 2022. – 152 p. ISBN 978-5-00078-484-6 (p.68-78)

3. Zhantikeev S.K. et al. Educational and methodological complex "Mektep psikhologinin zhumys kitabi", consisting of 17 manuals for school psychologists of secondary schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This complex is used as a textbook for the disciplines "Work of a school psychologist" taught at the bachelor's degree and "Scientific and practical foundations of psychological service in the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for the master's degree.

4. Zhantikeev S.K. Lady of psychology.

Participation of teaching staff in scientific and practical events in Kazakhstan and abroad

Teaching staff of the department takes part not only as participants of conferences, but also participate in their organization and conduct.

Professor of the Department G.D. Baubekova within the framework of the Science Festival 2020, was the moderator of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with

international participation "Pedagogical activity as a creative process", October 29, 2020 in Grozny, and also spoke at the Plenary session of the international conference "Ethnopedagogy in the aspect of intercultural communication: actualization of the scientific heritage of G.N. Volkov", October 29, 2020 in Cheboksary.

On November 14, 2020, Professor G.D. Baubekova moderated the international conference "Formation of spiritual and moral values of youth based on the folklore of the Kazakh people" and spoke at the plenary session.


Professor Zhantikeev S.K. is the moderator of the annual traditional international conference, jointly with the Moscow Polytechnic University.

Participation in the work of dissertation councils. The members of the Dissertation Councils at Gumilev ENU, E.A.Buketov KarU are Professors K.M. Nagymzhanova, S.K. Zhantikeev.. Donbaeva A. B.

Participation in the work of editorial boards of scientific journals.Professor G.D. Baubekova is a member of the RNS "Pedagogy and Psychology" Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Professor Zhantikeev S.K. participates on a permanent basis as an expert in the Expert Council of the Union of Psychologists of Kazakhstan.

Conducting scientific and scientific-practical events, including student ones, on the basis of the university. Teaching staff of the department actively participate in the organization and holding of international scientific and practical conferences together with foreign universities. Under the guidance of the teachers of the department, more than 200 scientific articles of students and undergraduates were published, 30 participants of the conference were awarded diplomas and prizes from the organization committee and heads of higher educational institutions. 

One of the most important tasks of the entire university staff is the development of students' creative abilities. Teaching staff of the department carry out the management and organization of scientific and research activities of students. Published, together with students and undergraduates of the department, more than 200 publications in scientific collections and conferences.Students and undergraduates of the department are actively involved in scientific activities, participate in scientific conferences, Olympiads and competitions, and also participate in scientific projects. Scientific circles work at the department: Rukhani zhangyru, Logos, Improveyour English, Psychologist.

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