Educational-methodical and pedagogical activity of the department

Educational-methodical and pedagogical activity of the department

Educational-methodical and pedagogical activity of the department

The department provides comprehensive methodological support with textbooks in the disciplines of the department, including the preparation of textbooks, teaching aids, lecture notes, teaching materials for all types of educational work, involving the use of the most appropriate forms of teaching, a rational combination of various teaching methods, the use of available modern teaching equipment and laboratory equipment.


The department has concluded memoranda with various specialized organizations on cooperation, namely: presenting the base of practice to students and undergraduates, employing graduates, and conducting joint scientific events.
A legal clinic operates on the basis of the department, where students have the opportunity to internship in matters of legal documentation, training in working with the population on various legal issues.


Meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On the eve of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, graduate students of the Higher School of Economics of the Turan-Astana University were invited to a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In his speech, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Major General Adilov Sanzhar Askenovich stressed the importance and significance of the investigator's work in ensuring law and order in the state and society, and also spoke about the advantages of work and employment opportunities in the internal affairs bodies for graduates.

In a solemn atmosphere, the best students of the specialty "Jurisprudence": Ilyasova N., Nauryzbayeva A., Lyulkovich D., Alimov A., Imangalieva R., Yessimova A., Abdugalimova K., Chernova V., Amanay I. received personal invitations to work in the internal affairs bodies. It should be noted that such encouragement from the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a powerful incentive and motivation for both students and university teachers. Undoubtedly, such explanatory meetings in a warm and friendly atmosphere help future graduates to make the right choice in their profession.

A round table with the participation of teaching staff of the Department of NandIL and employers on the topic "Problems of improving educational programs "Jurisprudence", "Legal regulation of the economy", "International law" at the present stage"

Improving educational programs is one of the main activities of Turan-Astana University, as we strive to train competitive personnel. In this context, a significant event was a round table with the participation of the teaching staff of the NandIL Department and employers on the topic "Problems of improving educational programs "Jurisprudence", "Legal regulation of the economy", "International law" at the present stage".

As part of this event, it was important to listen to the opinions of our guests:

???? Deputy Head of the Operational and Criminalistic Department of the Police Department for Transport, Lieutenant Colonel Kamarov Zh. Zh.;

????Head of the Department of Inquiry of the Police Department for Transport, Lieutenant Colonel Sadykanov B.K.;

????Deputy Head of the Investigative Department of the Police Department for Transport Kulzhanov E. Zh.;

???? Senior investigator for the Department of Internal Affairs of the Police Department for Transport, Lieutenant Colonel Bazarbaev T. K.

Professors and associate professors of the Department of “NiMP” shared their vision for solving the problems of improving educational programs.

Such platforms for scientific and practical discussions with employers allow us to consider the problem through the prism of different views and, within the framework of a constructive dialogue, develop effective recommendations for its solution.


Guest lecture
 The semester ends with an interesting and relevant guest lecture from the Adviser of Justice, Prosecutor of the Office of the Prosecutor's Office for North Kazakhstan Region Smagulov Zh.U. on the topic: "The impact of the digital environment on crime prevention:challenges and opportunities”. During the lecture, students had the opportunity to ask their questions and get answers to them.


Various events are periodically held, such as the “Hour of the Court”, debates, guest lectures, round tables with invited lawyers - prosecutors, lawyers, judges, designed to increase the motivation of students - future lawyers, so that they realize the importance of the chosen profession.

The Department of National and International Law of the Higher School of Law and Humanities of the Turan University together with the staff of the Forensic Department of the Transport Police Department: Police Major Toktarov A.R. and Police Major Tukabaeva A.N. held a guest lecture on the topic of "Forensic Photography" for students of the educational programs: "Jurisprudence", "International Law", "Legal Regulation of the Economy". The students took part in the interactive lecture with interest, got acquainted with the contents of the forensic suitcase, and also acquired new useful skills in forensic photography. a mock trial organized by the employees of the Saryarka District Prosecutor's Office: Senior Prosecutor, Junior Justice Advisor Ergaliyeva K.S., Prosecutor, Junior Justice Advisor Aitbay B.M., and with the participation of Senior Prosecutor of the Astana City Prosecutor's Office Department Bakhytzhan A.

Our students had a unique opportunity to attend a guest lecture by Professor, PhD in Law Baishev Zh.N., which was dedicated to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

with the employees of the Forensic Department of the Transport Police Department: Police Major Toktarov A.R. and Police Major Tukabayeva A.N. held a guest lecture on the topic of "Forensic Photography" for students of the educational programs: "Jurisprudence", "International Law", "Legal Regulation of the Economy".


One of the formats of practical training that are interesting for students is the game format of holding a court hearing in a civil case. Students, together with the teacher, choose the plot of the case, assign roles, prepare speeches and speeches in the process. The judge has the most responsible and important role, he leads the entire process and controls the course of the review. The acting talents of our students are also revealed in the gameplay, moreover, each side is fighting for a positive court decision. Thanks to this technique, students learn the procedure for holding a court session and have an idea of how civil proceedings are conducted in court.

Scientific publications in peer-reviewed international publications Scopus Thomson Reuters Springs



Full name of the teaching staff

Scopus Magazine





Ismagulova A.T.

Legislation on forced treatment of persons with alcoholism: history, comparatives, practice, reserves for improvement.

Procedia Environmental Science, Engineering and Management. 9 (2022) (1) 51-59




Scientific publications in peer-reviewed international publications



Full name of the teaching staff

Topic name, dates


Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science





Ismagulova A.T.

Закон о противодействии торговле людьми – недостающее звено в системе антикриминальных базовых законов уголовной политики.


Карагандинская Академия имени Баримбека Бейсенова

« Хабаршы – Вестник» № 3 (77) 2022 с.20-24

ISSN 2304-6287

Ismagulova A.T.

Политика противодействия торговле людьми в контексте теории криминологии закона и моделирования двухуровневого законодательного инструментария.

Ученые труды Алматинской академии МВД Республики Казахстан. 3 (72) 2022

с.103-108  ISSN 2218-2098

Smoilov S.Zh.

Жергілікті бюджеттің құқықтық қалыптасуының өзін-өзі басқару органдарындағы маңызы. Журнал «ХАБАРШЫ-ВЕСТНИК» Карагандинской академии МВД РК им. Б.Бейсенова №2 (76) за 2022 год 30 июня. с.183-187

Karymsakov R.S.,

Smoilov S.,

Barsukova R.A.

 Правовая характеристика вымогательств, совершаемых в странах ближнего зарубежья (сравнительно-правовой анализ).

Журнал «ХАБАРШЫ-ВЕСТНИК» Карагандинской академии МВД РК им. Б.Бейсенова №1 (79) за 2023 год 31 марта. с.84-88

Karymsakov R.Sh.,

Narbinova M.M.

 Правовое положение несовершеннолетних по уголовному законодательству СНГ.

Журнал «ХАБАРШЫ-ВЕСТНИК» Карагандинской академии МВД РК им. Б.Бейсенова №1 (79) за 2023 год 31 марта. с.77-83

Russian Science Citation Index

Karymsakov R.S.

Сравнительный анализ норм соответствующих законов об оперативно розыскной деятельности государств-участников СНГ. IScience (РИНЦ) Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире Журнал Выпуск 1(81) Часть 5 Январь 2022 г.Переяслав 2022 с.68-73 ISSN 2524-0986

Egizbayev N.U.

Қазақстан Республикасының азаматтық іс жүргізу заңнамасы бойынша борышкердің Қазақстан Рсепубликасының аумағынан шығуын шектеудің жолдары. IScience (РИНЦ)  Актуальные научные исследования в современном миреЖурнал

Выпуск 1(81) Часть 5 Январь 2022 г.  Переяслав 2022  с.50-55  ISSN 2524-0986

Karymsakov R.S.,

Egizbayev N.U.

Жедел-іздестіру қызметі: кеше, бүгін және даму келешегі. IScience (РИНЦ)Актуальные научные исследования в современном миреЖурнал

Выпуск 1(81) Часть 5 Январь 2022 г.  Переяслав 2022  с.92-96   ISSN 2524-0986

Karymsakov R.S.,

Egizbayev N.U.

Қылмыс объектісі – қылмыстың субъектісі мен сыбайластарын анықтаудың маңызы ретінде.

IScience (РИНЦ) Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире  Журнал  Выпуск 1(81) Часть 5 Январь 2022 г. Переяслав 2022 с.46-49   ISSN 2524-0986

Egizbayev N.U.

Қылмыс объектсі бойынша саралау мәселесі.

IScience (РИНЦ) Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире  Журнал  Выпуск 1(81) Часть 5 Январь 2022 г. Переяслав 2022  с.56-61  ISSN 2524-0986

Karymsakov R.S.


«Розыск лиц, пропавших без вести». IScience (РИНЦ)

Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире  Журнал Выпуск 3(83) Часть 3  Март 2022 г.  Переяслав 2022  с.129-134  ISSN 2524-0986

Akkulov R.T.

«Тергеу экспериментінің түсінігі, мәні, мақсаттары мен түрлері, оның тергеушінің қызметіндегі орны». IScience (РИНЦ) Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире  Журнал Выпуск 3(83) Часть 3

Март 2022 г.  Переяслав 2022 с.70-74  ISSN 2524-0986

Karipova A.I.

Международно-правовое и национальное регулирование международного коммерческого арбитража. IScience (РИНЦ)

Actual scientific research in the modern world.

International science journal. Issue10(90) Part 2 October 2022. Pereiaslav 2022. с.180-183

ISSN 2524-0986

Karipova A.I.,

Barsukova R.A.

Освобождение от административной ответственности в связи с истечением срока давности в Республике Казахстан.

Международный журнал экспериментального образования. № 5 2022 с.74-81

ISSN 2618-7159


Cosmos Impact Factor – 3.556

SJIF factor – 5.195

(foreign peer-reviewed journal)

Gakharmanova N.B.

Dussanbekova M.A.

О некоторых аспектах деятельности Уполномоченного по правам человека Республики Казахстан

(на примере законопроекта).

Danish Scientific Journal  №54/2021 Vol.2 

ISSN 3375-2389  с.19-22


foreign peer-reviewed journal

Dussanbekova M.A., Gakharmanova N.B.


О некоторых аспектах создания и деятельности организации тюркских государств.

Danish Scientific Journal №65/2022

ISSN 3375-2389 с.17-22

foreign peer-reviewed journal

Dussanbekova M.A., Gakharmanova N.B., Yagmussova A.F.

О некоторых аспектах права и правовой системы тюркских государств.

Journal of science. Lyon №37/2022

ISSN 3475-3281 с.33-36


Published monographs, textbooks and teaching aids





The name of the textbook, monograph, methodological guidelines

Full name of the author



Number of pages


Уголовно-процессуальное право Республики Казахстан. Общая и особенная часть: Учебник для вузов / Под ред. профессора К.Ж. Капсалямова. 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. – Алматы: ADAL KITAP, 2023. –736 с.

Kapsalyamov K.Zh.,

Imanbayev S.M.,

Karymsakov R.Sh.




Қазақстан Республикасының қылмыстық-процестіқ құқығы. Жалпы және Ерекше бөлімі: Жоғары оқу орындарына арналған оқулық/профессор Қ.Ж. Қапсәлямовтың редакциясымен. 2-ші басылым, қайта қаралды және толықтырылды. – Алматы: ADAL KITAP, 2023. – 664 б.

Kapsalyamov K. Zh.,

Akkulov R. T.,

Abraliev Zh. Zh.,

Egizbaev N. V.




Қазақстан Республикасының қылмыстық іс жүргізу құқығы. Жалпы бөлімі:Оқулық. 1-том. Нұр-Сұлтан: «Тұран-Астана» университеті, 2022.-171 б.

ISBN 978-601-240-632-0

Kapsalyamov K.Zh.,

Akkulov R.T.




Криминалистика. Оқұ құралы. Нұр-Сұлтан: «Тұран-Астана» университеті, 2022.-192 б.

ISBN 978-9965-869-98-3

Kapsalyamov K.Zh.,

Kapsalyamova S.S.,

Abraliev Zh.Zh.




Organization and participation in scientific seminars

Republican seminar on anti-corruption education, organized by the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating Corruption, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. 

On February 22-23, 2024, teachers of the Department of National and International Law of Turan-Astana University Egizbayev N.U., Karipova A.I., Yagmussova A.F. took an active part in the Republican seminar on Anti-corruption Education organized by the Anti-Corruption Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. It was a unique event aimed at updating knowledge about the fight against corruption, sharing experiences and applying international practices in this area. 
An important result of the republican seminar was the exchange of practical experience with colleagues from different regions. The event was a boost of energy and ideas for our joint work in the future. 
We express our gratitude to the entire team of organizers, participants, and everyone who made efforts to hold the event.

On October 20, 2022, Candidate of Law, Professor of the department Kapsalyamov K.Zh. held a scientific and methodological seminar on the topic: "Theoretical aspects of improving industry legislation". At the scientific and methodological seminar, the issues of improving sectoral legislation on the example of criminal procedure law were considered, namely: the science of criminal procedure law; the theory of the development of the science of criminal procedure law; a brief outline of the development of scientific concepts of criminal proceedings; types of sources of modern criminal procedure law; norms and principles of international law, decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, their independent significance and influence on criminal procedure legislation; the doctrine of judicial precedent as a source of law in modern legal science.

Questions were asked to the speaker on the topic of the seminar, and an exchange of views took place.


On November 22, 2022, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department S. Elemanov held a scientific and methodological seminar on the topic: "Formation and development of educational programs "Jurisprudence" and "International law".

At the scientific and methodological seminar, the following was noted: educational programs of higher education are aimed at training highly qualified personnel in accordance with the needs of economic sectors with the award of a bachelor's degree.

Higher educational institutions have the right to develop and implement innovative educational programs on a competitive basis, containing the latest technologies and teaching methods aimed at further development and improvement of the education system.

The elective disciplines provided by the teachers of the department have a purposeful nature, innovation, as well as scientific validity. Currently, the proposed elective disciplines account for about 30% of all disciplines available in the educational program.

The content of elective disciplines allows you to satisfy professional interests (deepen your qualifications) in accordance with personal inclinations (elective disciplines) and must meet the necessary requirements: relevance, scientific character, research nature, connection with practice, take into account professional specifics, as well as the research activities of teachers.

The seminar demonstrated the importance of scientific discussion, the need to update educational programs taking into account the opinions of employers.


On February 10, 2023, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department Egizbayev N.U. held a scientific and methodological seminar on the topic: "Actual problems of punishment under the criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

At the scientific and methodological seminar, topical issues of the general part of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Penal Enforcement Code were considered within the framework of issues related to punishment. In particular, it was noted that punishment is one of the main state measures imposed on a person found guilty of committing a criminal offense.

Currently, proposals have been submitted to differentiate the penalties imposed between criminal offenses and crimes, to reduce sanctions indicating alternative punishments, to increase the volume of punishments, such as community service, arrest, respectively, to reduce the use of restrictions on freedom, as well as further tightening of responsibility for corruption crimes and crimes against sexual integrity.

During the seminar, new disciplines "Problems of sentencing", "Theoretical problems of classification of criminal penalties" related to the problem of punishment were proposed for implementation in the educational process.

Questions were asked to the speaker on the topic of the seminar, and an exchange of views took place.

The seminar demonstrated the importance of scientific discussion, the need to update educational programs taking into account the proposed disciplines.


On March 10, 2023, the master, senior professor of the department Aldazharov A.K., held a scientific and methodological seminar on the topic: "Forensic psychological research as an important factor in criminal proceedings and civil litigation."

At the scientific and methodological seminar, the issues of updating psychological expertise as an important element of the criminal process and civil proceedings were considered. It was noted that this is an independent type of forensic examination, it is a study by a professional expert in the field of psychology in order to provide an appropriate conclusion to the investigator or the court as evidence in the case under investigation.

The analysis of the current state and prospects of development of Kazakhstan forensic expert activity is given. As the analysis showed, the main reason for the decrease in the number of assigned forensic examinations was the introduction of the new Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan from January 1, 2015, according to which the conclusions of law enforcement and special agencies experts are recognized as evidence in criminal cases.

The speaker noted that the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan does not affect the organizational issues of forensic psychological examination in any way, but only defines the general rules and requirements for forensic examination in Chapter 35, the emphasis in this document is placed on forensic medical and forensic psychiatric examination.

In this regard, it is important to define and specify the range of issues necessary for psychological expertise in the investigation of crimes.


On April 13, 2023, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department Karymsakov R.S. held a scientific and methodological seminar on the topic: "The role of operational investigative activities in the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

At the scientific and methodological seminar, the speaker noted that in all laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan aimed at combating crime, the observance of the constitutional rights of citizens is a red thread, including this provision is provided for in the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On operational investigative activities" of September 15, 1994. Thus, in articles 2, 3, 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On operational investigative activities", the legislator drew attention to the observance, protection of life, health, rights and freedoms, legitimate interests of a citizen, property from unlawful encroachments. In article 5 of the above-mentioned Law, the legislator defines the observance of individual rights and freedoms in the implementation of operational investigative activities.

Methodological seminar on the topic: "Features of practice-oriented lectures that reveal current issues of digitalization and cybersecurity"


On March 1, 2024, our colleague Lyazzat Akhmetzhanovna, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of "National and International Law", retired justice adviser, lawyer of the Bar Association of Astana city, held an exciting methodological seminar on the topic: "Features of practice-oriented lectures that reveal current issues of digitalization and cybersecurity."

Discussing current issues of digitalization and cybersecurity is a key step in the modern world, where technology penetrates into all spheres of our lives.

We thank Lyazzat Akhmetzhanovna for the valuable knowledge and experience she shared with us at the seminar.

On February 27, 2024, a guest lecture by a graduate student of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies at the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held

On February 27, 2024, a guest lecture was organized by the practitioner, Major of Justice, head of the Department of special accounting for the Aktobe region, undergraduate of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies at the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan Arykbayev Asylbek Sabitovich on the topic: "Problems of social adaptation of persons who have served long terms of imprisonment" to undergraduates of the 1st year of the University "Turan-Astana" in the discipline "Theory and practice of the application of criminal law". Speaker Arykbayev A.S., as an acting practitioner, shared practical skills, spoke about the pressing problems of social adaptation of persons who have served long terms of imprisonment, answered questions from listeners.

At this lesson, the lecturer of the Department of "National and International Law" of the Humanitarian Law School of the University "Turan-Astana" - PhD, Associate Professor Temirzhanova L.A. emphasized the special importance and usefulness for undergraduates in conducting practice-oriented classes for them. The undergraduates were actively involved in the interactive form of the lecture, the lesson was interesting and dynamic.

Guest lecture by Police Major Arman Zavotpaev Ryskulovich on the topic "Fingerprint research" for students of the Law Schoo

On March 05, 2024, as part of their studies in the specialty "Jurisprudence", students of the Department of National and International Law had the honor to welcome police Major, criminologist of DP in transport, Mr. Arman Ryskulovich Zavotpaev. His guest lecture on fingerprint research turned out to be not only informative, but also exciting.
Arman Ryskulovich shared with the students his vast experience and knowledge in the field of criminology, which is especially important for law enforcement agencies. He spoke in detail about how fingerprinting helps in identifying a person through unique fingerprints.
One of the most fascinating moments was the practical part of the lecture, where Major Zavotpaev demonstrated in practice how fingerprints are collected and analyzed, and also talked about the latest technologies and methods used in modern criminology.
An important aspect of the lecture was that the lecturer was able to captivate all those present, despite the complexity of the topic. His clear explanations and practical examples allowed students to better understand the importance of fingerprint research in the fight against crime.
We are grateful to Major Zavotpaev for his valuable knowledge, the lecture was an important step in the professional development of students and inspired them to strive for excellence in their future careers in the field of law enforcement.

Learning programs

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