«Educational work of the Department of Social Sciences, Humanities and Language Disciplines»

«Educational work of the Department of Social Sciences, Humanities and Language Disciplines»

«Educational work of the Department of Social Sciences, Humanities and Language Disciplines»

Educational work with students is an integral part of the process of training specialists and is carried out with the aim of creating a system of means and actions responsible for solving current problems of education, creating favorable conditions for the personal and professional formation of all university graduates. It is at the university, having gone through the school of public organizations, associations, creative groups, the school of the volunteer movement, that the student acquires solid life guidelines, organizational and leadership skills, and personal qualities necessary for a scientist, leader, and public figure. Effective educational work solves the problems of forming the intellectual and creative potential of the individual, allows creating all the conditions for self-development and self-affirmation of the individual, improving the abilities of all students.

The main directions of educational work of the department “Social Sciences, Humanities and Language Disciplines” are carried out in accordance with the standards:

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”;

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On state youth policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan”;

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Culture”.



A feature of the modern approach to assessing the educational activities of Turan-Astana University is a systematic vision of the educational process and the identification of a holistic set of necessary factors that ensure the effectiveness of this work.

The goal of educational work is to create a humanistic, highly moral educational environment that contributes to the formation of professional competence in students who have an active citizenship position and meet the needs and expectations of modern society.

The objectives are to develop a sense of patriotism among young people, moral and spiritual development, support for young talents, involve students in cultural, scientific and educational processes, ensure the social rights of young people, and improve the educational level of students.



The educational work of the Department of SGNiAD is based on the following fundamental principles:

• scientific, systematic, continuity and consistency of educational work;

• respect for the rights and freedoms of student youth, democracy in the approach to solving youth problems;

• unity of training and education, connection with the needs of social development

• - comprehensive coverage of all student youth, regardless of gender, nationality, social status and age;

• - a combination of individual and group forms of educational work

• -creation of a favorable socio-psychological climate that promotes the effectiveness of the educational process

Main directions of educational work

• Civic-patriotic education

• Socio-political and legal education

• Spiritual and moral education

• Physical education and healthy lifestyle development

• Formation of a legal culture, the ability to resist corruption, knowledge of one’s rights and responsibilities.

            The educational process is considered as an integral part of the professional and personal development of future specialists and is carried out with the aim of developing New Kazakhstan Patriotism, an active civic position in students, preserving and enhancing moral, cultural and scientific values in the conditions of modern life, preserving and reviving the traditions of the university.

2022-2023 academic year

          Civic-patriotic education

Conducting curatorial hours dedicated to the “Day of Knowledge”.

September 5, 2022 Curator of group P-21-1 P-21-3

An event was held in the center of «Zhanuy» for the Day of Languages and the 150th anniversary of A. Baitursynov.

On September 22, 2022, an event dedicated to the Day of Languages was held on the theme: “Language is a bridge of friendship among peoples.” Teaching staff of the department and students of the gr. PD-21-1, PD-20-1, US-PD-20-1, US-PD-21-1 took an active part in the event.

Student PD-22-1 Mukhtarkhankyzy Sabira took 2nd place in essay writing among 1st year students at Turan Astana University “My Kazakhstan” and was awarded a diploma and valuable prizes. Under the guidance of Prof. Z.E. Kolumbaev. Sabyrzhan A.Tema “Ulttyk kundylyktar-ult kazynasy” actively participated in the scientific seminar.

Socio-political and legal education

All curators of groups of the department "SG&NiAD" conduct curatorial hours on the formation of an anti-corruption culture

Curatorial hours were held for Republic Day

Curator hours were held for Independence Day


As part of the practical study of the discipline “Morals and Ethics”, the following activities were carried out:

• TikTok competition on the topic: “New morality of creative youth”;

• Brain-ring on the topic: “Moral Express”;

• Film screening of a feature film with discussion;

• Students conducted interviews with university teaching staff and made a video “Tricky Questions” on the topic of morality and morality.

The organizers of these events were teachers of the Department of Social Sciences, Humanities and Language Disciplines - Ph.D., Professor Umirzakova L. and Ph.D., Associate Professor Imankul A.

            Physical education and healthy lifestyle formation

Participation in citywide cleanup throughout the year

On October 17, students from group PD-22-1,3 participated in the “Zhasyl El” program aimed at creating forests throughout the country

Student group P-22-3 Arsen Makenov - 3rd place in Muaythai.

Students of the curatorial groups took part in a 5 km sports marathon dedicated to Unity Day - Biz Birgemiz.

            In order to increase the effectiveness of the educational work of Turan-Astana University, it is necessary:

• optimize the work of academic group curators and improve

• methodological support for their activities;

• develop a system for working with gifted and talented youth;

• intensify the activities of student government bodies;

• carry out targeted financing of educational, leisure, and extracurricular activities;

• develop a system of material incentives for students studying on a paid basis and who have achieved particular success in creative, sports, and research activities.


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