Code of academic sophistication

Code of academic sophistication

Academic integrity - a set of values and principles that Express the integrity of the student in learning in the performance of written works (tests, term papers, essays, diplomas, dissertations), answers to exams, research, expression of their position in the relationship with academic staff, teachers and other students, as well as evaluation
Principles of academic integrity:
1) good faith
2) implementation of protection of the rights of the author and his successors
3) openness
4) respect for the rights and freedoms of students
5) equality
Responsibility for the violation of academic integrity are both students and faculty members of the University.
Measures for violations of the principles of academic integrity:
- Envisaged measures in case of violation of the principles of academic integrity
- Primary identification of honesty-preparation of acts with filing in the personal file, the cancellation of the results, the invitation of the perpetrators to the meeting of the Department, the right to retake.
- Repeated detection of dishonesty (up to 3 cases)- preparation of acts with filing in the personal file, the cancellation of the results, forfeiture of rights to retake, entry for the summer semester.
 - More than 3 cases of violation- preparation of acts with filing in the personal file, the cancellation of the results, expulsion from the University.
- Violations on final certification - materials about the revealed facts of plagiarism, duplication, write-off are sent to the SAC but specialty for further decision-making


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