
Dear colleagues and friends!

On February 22, 2019 the 10th Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists, Undergraduates and Students “Revival of the National Spiritual Consciousness and Competitive Youth” will take place on the basis of «Turan-Astana» University, Astana, Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the conference is to discuss a wide range of theoretical and practical problems of science and innovations at the present time, current issues of the development of education, economics, information technologies and humanitarian, social, technical sciences within “RuhaniZhangyru” program.

The main directions of the conference:

- Financial and economic mechanism of innovative development of priority sectors of the national economy of Kazakhstan in the context of globalization 
- International and national legal system problems
- Modern information technologies in the digitalization of Kazakhstan
- Psychology and pedagogy as the science of the formation of the national and spiritual consciousness of society
- Humanitarian knowledge in the public consciousness modernization
- Problems and opportunities of tourism and designdevelopment

Official languages of the conference: Kazakh, Russian, English languages.

Forms of participation in the conference:

There are two forms of participation in the conference: in person and in absentia.

With in-person participation, the participant sends materials on his report in electronic format till February 10, and then personally attends and makes a report at the conference. With in-person participation, a certificate of participation will be received, with participation with a report – the possibility of being awarded is considered.

With participation in absentia, the participant sends materials on his report electronically.

In order to participate in the conference, an application (Appendix 1), the text of the article (Appendix 2) and a payment receipt should be sent to the to the email address of organizing committee: till February 15, 2019. According to the results the Conference Proceedings will be published.

Registration fee:

To cover organizational and publishing costs, the registration fee is:

- for bachelor students of «Turan-Astana» University,Narxoz University and «Turan» University

- 1000 tenge

- for master students of «Turan-Astana» University, Narxoz Universityand «Turan» University - 3000 tenge

- for participants from other organizations - 3000 tenge

The registration fee is paid by transfer to the account of «Turan-Astana» University with the note "participation in the conference" on the following bank details:

«Turan-Astana» University

Actual address: 010000, Astana, st. I. Dukenuly, 29

Business IDNumber 031140004668

Beneficiary Code 17

JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan"

Bank Identification Code  HSBKKZKX

Customer Identification Code  KZ636017111000012140

Organizing committee:

  • «Turan-Astana» University
  • Narxoz University
  • «Turan» University

The address of the conference organizing committee: 010000, Astana, Dukenuly street, 29, «Turan-Astana» University, Department of Science and Commercialization, office 216 B.

Tel: 8 (7172) 398118 (ext. 108). E-mail:


Appendix 1

Application Form


Name, Surname






Tel., e-mail


Name of scientific article




The possibility of the author’s arrival to the conference



Appendix 2


The scientific articles of 5–7 pages should be typed in a Microsoft Word text editor: DOC format, Times New Roman 12-pt, line spacing 1.5, all fields - 2 cm, a first-line indent -1.25 cm.

На первой строке в левом углу пишется индекс УДК. Через строку в правом углу Ф.И.О. автора полностью. На следующей строке  - название организации, города и электронный адрес автора. Через строку по центру - название статьи прописными буквами жирным шрифтом на казахском, русском и английских языках. Основнойтекстначинаетсячерезоднустроку.

On the first line in the left corner the UDC index is written. Through the line in the right corner – first and second names of the author. The next line - name of the organization, city and email address of the author. Through the line in the center - the name of the article in bold type by caps in Kazakh, Russian and English languages. Themaintextbeginsinoneline.

Annotation and keywords are written in Kazakh, Russian and English. References are typed inside the article in square brackets after the quotation.

Sample article

UDC 539.42


Marat Sadykov

Master student of the department "Economics and innovative business"

 «Turan-Astana» University,

Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan


Supervisor: Ph.D. IskakovBaurzhan.







Аннотация. Мақалада экономикалық өсу мәселесі талқыланды. …

Түйінді сөздер: экономикалық өсу,…


Аннотация. В статье рассмотрена проблема экономического роста в. …



Annotation. The article considers the problem of economic growth in Kazakhstan.…

Keywords: economicgrowth, …


Due to the difficulties of measuring the process of economic development in macroeconomics, economic growth is most often analyzed [1].



  1. Государственная Программа индустриально–инновационного развития Республики Казахстан на 2015 – 2019 годы: Указ Президента РК от 1 августа 2014 года № 874 // САПП РК. –  2014. – № 49–50. – стр. 501.
  2. Нуреев Р. М. Западный мир на пути к постиндустриальному обществу // TerraEconomicus. – 2013. – Т. 11. – № 4. – стр. 120–142.

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