Candidate of Economic Sciences, Ass Professor.
Born on January 1, 1982, in Kokbai village, Abay District, Semipalatinsk Region.
In 2003, graduated from the Kazakh Financial and Economic Institute with a degree in "Economist-Financier."
From 2003 to 2004, worked as a senior lecturer at the Kazakh Financial and Economic Institute in Semey.
In 2004, served in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Kapchagay.
In 2010, under the supervision of Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Bauyrzhan Sovetovich Tolysbayev, defended his candidate dissertation in the specialty 08.00.05 "Economics and Management of the National Economy."
From 2010 to 2012, worked as an Associate Professor in the Department of "Economic Disciplines" at "Turan-Astana" University.
From 2013 to 2017, served as Dean of the Faculty of "Business and Information Technologies" at "Turan-Astana" University.
From 2017 to 2018, worked as the Director of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Continuing Education at "Turan-Astana" University.
Since 2018, has been a Professor in the Department of "Business Administration" at "Turan-Astana" University.
Participation in scientific research projects |
Participation in the establishment of the Kazakhstan-Belarus Agroengineering Innovation Center for training specialists for the agro-industrial complex at the Non-Commercial Joint Stock Company "Kazakh National Agrarian Research University" (2019-2020). |
- Best University Lecturer of 2021.
- Recipient of the international "Bolashak" scholarship (2022).
- Russian Federation, Omsk State Pedagogical University (2018).
- Russian Federation, Lomonosov Moscow State University (2022).
- People’s Republic of China, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics (2024).
The list of main publications includes over 75 scientific and educational-methodological works.
Among them: publications in the USA, the UK, Poland, Russia, and Ukraine.
Includes 3 scientific articles in journals indexed in the international SCOPUS database, 1 in Web of Science, Hirsch index in Web of Science – 1.
- Textbook: "Қаржылық тәуекелдерді басқару" (Financial Risk Management). Recommended for publication by the Academic Methodological Association for the group of specialties "Social Sciences, Economics, and Business" at Narxoz University. - Astana: "Master PO," 2017.
- Textbook: "Инновациялық менеджмент" (Innovative Management), Volume 1. - Almaty: "TechnoErudit," 2018.
- Textbook: "Инновациялық менеджмент" (Innovative Management), Volume 2. - Almaty: "TechnoErudit," 2018.
- Textbook: "Корпоративтік басқару" (Corporate Governance). – Nur-Sultan: "Turan-Astana" University Press, 2020.
- Textbook: "Қаржы жүйесіндегі кәсіпкерлік" (Entrepreneurship in the Financial System). – Nur-Sultan: "Turan-Astana" University Press, 2020.
- Finance expert at JSC "National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise."
- International accreditation expert for the Central Asian Association for Accreditation in Education (CAAAT), term 05.04.2024–04.04.2029.
- Independent member of the Judges’ Academy for the National Prize "Teacher of Kazakhstan."
- Reviewer of the "Кәсіпкерлік негіздері" (Basics of Entrepreneurship) textbook for the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Conducted entrepreneurship training for unemployed and self-employed rural populations as part of the "Bastau Business" project.
- Temporary member of the Dissertation Council for the Finance program at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.
- Permanent expert.