


The Department of practice, employment and career (DPEC) acts as a key link between the University and the labor market. Constantly expanding partnerships with employers allow OPTC DPEC to collect and track the interests and needs of companies and track interestson the capabilities of the University and its graduates and students. This allows TAU students to gain wide knowledge about the specific activities of companies and gain practical experience, learn about vacancies.

DPEC working areas:

- organization of professional practice for students and undergraduates;
- the holding of career days and recruitment events;
- organization of a study tour at the enterprise;
- organization and holding of business meetings, career seminars;
- development and monitoring of graduates ' careers.

The main functions of DPEC:

- The formation of modern subsystems for the demand of specialists;
- Involvement of employers in master classes, trainings and presentations for students and graduates of the University;
- Development of a system to promote employment and adaptation to the labor market of University graduates;
- Development of educational programs in cooperation with.

DPEC establishes partnership relations with short-term and long-term official cooperation agreements, which allow not only practice, but subsequently give the right to work in various sectors of the economic, technical and humanitarian profile.

DPEC is constantly working to expand the network of strategic partners of TAUto assist in finding places of practice and employment, to date, in the employer’sdatabase of the University more than 80 permanent social partners. There are branches of departments located at the hotel "Best Western Plus", LLP "Astana Institute of integrative and family psychology", LLP "Eurasian-holding", high school № 2.

An integral part of the OPTC's DPEC activities is the organization and conducting of regular business meetings, master classes and guest lectures. In the framework of these activities, all students can get first hand information on the scope and specificity of activity of the company, learn about the vacant positions, and based on my experience, albeit small, they can plan their activities.

Partners and employers of TAU are willing to accept students on part-time, where without prejudice to the study of students, they have the opportunity to train at the enterprise. In addition, students of IT-specialties undergo online training on the ARTA SYNERGY platform, which subsequently gives them the right to work in the ARTA SOFTWARE company.

In OPTK DPEC also maintained a database of graduates of TAU, which contains all information about the graduates.



Altynbekova Erkesh Saltanatovna

Tel. 39-81-18, EXT. 112

210 "B", KAB.


Job opportunities for students


Charter of the Public assosiation of graduates
Regulation of professional job internship
Alumni work schedule
Еmployment information

Learning programs

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