School of Business and Information Technology

The School of Business and Information Technology trains proactive, non-
standard thinking and effective specialists who are in demand on the labor market in 
the republic.
The main activity of the School is the training of specialists with universal and 
subject-specific    competencies    in     the     field   of   information technology, services, 
business and management.
A high level of training of specialists is provided by a team of highly qualified 
teachers, professors and associate professors.
There are 3 departments in the structure of the School of Business and 
Information Technology: the Department of Business Administration, the Department 
of Information Technology and the Department of Design, Service, Tourism.

The faculty provides a full educational cycle of specialist training bachelor – 
Master – Doctor PhD

       Educational programs

Bachelor course

  • 6B06101- Information Systems
  • 6B06102- Computer technology and software
  • 6B07105- State and local Government
  • 6B04101-Economics
  • 6B04103 -Accounting and audit
  • 6B04107- Audit
  • 6B04104- Finance
  • 6B04102- Management
  • 6B04117- Finance and Business
  • 6B02101- Design
  • 6B02102- Decorative arts and ethnodesign
  • 6B11101- Tourism
  • 6B11102- Restaurant and hotel business


  • 7M06101-Information systems 
  • 7M11101 – Tourism
  • 7M11103 - Restaurant and hotel business
  • 7M04101- Economy
  • 7M04102- Management
  • 7M04108- HR Management
  • 7M04103- Accounting and Audit
  • 7M04104- Finance
  • 7M04105- State and local Government
  • 7M04110 – Digital technologies in finance and accounting
  • 7M04116- Project Management
  • 7M04117- Economics and Intellectual Property Management

Doctoral studies

  • 8D04101- Economy

Educational work
The main objectives of the educational work of Business and information 
technology are: the formation of students' attitude to study, modern skills and 
comprehensive development of human and professional qualities of future specialists, 
constant stimulation of creative activity feasible for students, independence in 
mastering the theoretical and practical basis of the chosen specialty.

Directions in which educational work is carried out:

  •  Development of student self-government;
  •  Patriotic education;
  •  Spiritual and moral education;
  •  Cultural and mass work;
  •  Formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle and its promotion among others;
  •  Development of the volunteer movement;
  •  Prevention of offenses among young people and the development of academic integrity;
  •  Prevention of interethnic and interfaith conflicts.

For the development and formation of leadership qualities, for personal growth and 
self-realization of students, student organizations function at the university, as well as 
students of BIT Schools actively participate in these organizations. The departments 
have student scientific circles.




Декан школы БИТ, PhD доцент — Aimkulov Rakhat Ashkenovich
8 717 2 398-118  (ext. 105)
Room number - Educational building "B", room 206
Working hours - from 09:00 to 18.00 hours





Aimkulov Rakhat Ashkenovich
Aimkulov Rakhat Ashkenovich

Декан школы БИТ, PhD, доцент

Learning programs

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