Staff of the School of Humanities and Law

The mission of our School is to prepare a highly qualified, competitive, patriotic, tolerant, mobile, creative, highly moral, ready to take responsibility for their actions and decisions, competent in the field of their own professional activity graduate, in demand in the labor market of the country, capable of effective professional self-development.


The School of Humanities and Law consists of two departments:

  • «National and International Law»
  • «Social and Humanitarian sciences and language disciplines»


The Faculty provides training in the following educational programs:

Bachelor's degree:

  • 6В04201 - «Jurisprudence»
  • 6В04202 - «International Law»
  • 6В04204 -«Legal Regulation of the Economy»
  • 6В02301- «Translation studies»
  • 6В02302 -« Philology»
  • 6В03101- «Psychology»


Master's degree:

  • 7M04201- «Jurisprudence»
  • 7M01701 - «Kazakh Language and Literature»
  • 7M01102 - «Pedagogy and Psychology»
  • 7M01104 -«Management in Education»


Functions of the Dean's Office

1. Organization of educational, methodical and educational work at the School;

2. Organization of the implementation of educational and professional programs in the areas and specialties of the School;

3. Accounting of the contingent of students and their academic performance;

4. Planning of educational, educational-methodical, scientific-methodical, organizational-methodical activities and organization of reporting on them;

5. Improving the professional and moral and ethical level of  School staff;

6. Control over the condition of educational, industrial, office and other premises, as well as material values and other property at the disposal of the School;

7. Organization of career guidance work with schoolchildren and maintaining communication with graduates of the School;

8. Coordination of the Schools work with the work plans of other departments of the University;

9. Carrying out activities and taking measures to ensure the safety of life and health of students and School staff.



Narbinova Mirgul Maidanovna

Dean of Humanities and Law School, PhD in Law

 411 audience, tel 8(7172) 39-73-39



Нарбинова Миргуль Майдановна
Narbinova Mirgul Maidanovna

Dean of Humanities and Law School, PhD in Law

Learning programs

Contact Center