Department of Science & Innovation

Department of Science & Innovation


The research activity of the university is aimed at the development of fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of high technology and is focused on 10 scientific areas that are priority for the development of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The university actively attracts private investment and uses public-private partnership tools, creating an effective technological corridor "from scientific discovery to commercial results."

In addition to conducting research work for enterprises, the university conducts extensive work that provides an atmosphere conducive to the development of research activities, increasing the number of funded scientific projects, solving urgent production problems and creating high technologies. This work is coordinated by the Department of Science and Innovation.


Department`s main functions

1) development of current and long-term plans for research work;

2) preparation of reporting documentation on the implementation of research plans;

3) analysis of the University's RW performance indicators;

4) control and analysis of the activities of the University departments in the implementation of research plans;

5) planning and organizing events aimed at enhancing the scientific activities of the teaching staff of the University, including: organizing and holding scientific and practical conferences, round tables, seminars and other scientific events of a public nature at the University;

6) organization and strengthening of relations between the University of scientific and scientific and technical cooperation with the institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, leading industry research institutions and organizations;

7) organizing the participation of representatives of the University in scientific events;

8) expansion of scientific cooperation with foreign higher educational institutions, scientific institutions in the field of scientific, research and production activities;

9) information and organizational support for the research activities of students of the University;

10) informational, organizational support for the participation of teaching staff, students of the University in symposiums, conferences, seminars and other scientific events;

11) informational, organizational support for the participation of teaching staff, students of the University in competitions for state prizes, state scholarships, other prizes and awards for the implementation of research;

12) providing consulting and methodological assistance to employees, teachers and doctoral students in working with international bibliometric databases;

13) organization of work to increase the publication activity of University scientists in international ranking journals;

14) collection of information about articles and citations of University scientists published in international ranking journals;

15) preparation and provision of statistical data and reporting documentation on the activities of the Department at the request of regulatory authorities and organizations;

16) bringing to the attention of the structural divisions of the University of the orders of the management, information about conferences, seminars, competitions and other documents on the organization of research;

17) development of regulatory documentation regulating the research activities of the University;


Head of the Science and Commercialization Department – Nurmanov Almas Maratbekovich

8 (7172) 39-81-18 (ext. 108)

Astana, st. Dukenuly, 29

Educational building "B", room 216

Working hours - from 09:00 to 18.00 hours

Learning programs

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