Accounting and Auditing

Accounting and Auditing

  • Languages

    Russian, Kazakh

  • How much to study?

    Profile direction - 1 year; Scientific and pedagogical direction - 2 years.

  • Academic degree

    Master of Economic Sciences in the specialty "Accounting and Auditing".

  • More

    The program "Master of Economic Sciences in the specialty" Accounting and Audit "provides advanced business education, which offers a number of unique features and benefits:

    Competency-based curriculum: a combination of core courses, electives, and leadership development opportunities help students develop and deepen the competencies necessary for a successful accounting career. Students gain knowledge in the areas of financial reporting analysis, professional services marketing, public policy, financial markets, information systems, and the impact of technology on accounting and business.

    Focus on developing personal skills: the program allows students to improve their leadership, communication, teamwork and critical thinking skills.

    Specialization: Students have the opportunity to specialize in auditing or taxation.

     The accounting program is designed for smart, hardworking students with honesty and passion who want to significantly improve their understanding of accounting and expand their career opportunities.

    The program structure combines a theoretical and conceptual understanding of current problems and links this with practice in the current financial market environment. The program combines theory, practice, and research and provides opportunities for the development of both analytical and technical skills. These skills are claimed by higher academic institutions in PhD programs, and are also required by leading employers around the world.

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