Design, service, tourism

Design, service, tourism

In the current era of growing international competition and rapidly changing technological developments, the Department of Design, service and tourism trains specialists in undergraduate educational programs - Design, Tourism, Social and cultural services, and master's programs-Tourism.

The philosophy of the Department is to provide an education that will enable students to think successfully, Express themselves with grace and clarity in writing and speech, maintain values in relation to their chosen profession and demonstrate self-confidence. The Department of tourism aims to become a leading educational center of the region in the preparation of candidates for leadership positions, which will generate ideas that will have the ability and skills to develop and apply the knowledge gained.

Design today is in demand in a number of places in society. In the specialties of the Department of "Design, service and tourism", students study various disciplines. Each course teaches special technical skills through practical modules, and provides a design education that forms the basis for creative expression through lectures.

Tourism is a sphere of activity that covers the whole range of services for the organization of rest: from the placement of the client to the formation of a unique excursion program, drawing up a tourist route, meeting consumer demand for tourist and sanatorium services of citizens of Kazakhstan and foreign guests. This is a wide field for the use of a variety of skills and abilities, where the student will be able to fully unleash their creativity.

The educational process at the Department is based on the principles of individual approach to students and focuses on achieving high results in learning. In the preparation of future designers, much attention is paid to the rich heritage of the great masters of art, using unique prints, prints, canvases and video material. Thanks to this training, graduates are free to draw, paint and engage in other areas of art and design.

The Department of" Design, service and tourism " trains specialists-designers for different areas of the environment that surrounds us. This is the design of open and closed urban spaces, visual environment, including in the field of advertising, printing, corporate identity.

The teaching staff of the Department is a close-knit team of professionals aimed at training highly qualified specialists in the field of tourism, services and design. To fulfill the mission of the Department, the faculty applies advanced educational techniques and technologies in its work, attract practical examples to illustrate theoretical information, form a high level of consciousness of the graduate.

Students are able to use multimedia laboratories, creative workshops, camping equipment, as well as there is a showroom with the serving used in order to help students gain a full understanding of the operation and control of a professional kitchen.


Head of the Department Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Kabashova Natalia Vladimirovna.



Department mission

Providing training for highly qualified specialists in the field of tourism, marketing, branding and advertising, business and entrepreneurship.

Professors staff

Атикеева С.Н.
Атикеева С.Н.

Associate Professor

Мусина Ж.А
Мусина Ж.А

старший преподаватель

Senior teacher

Head of the department



Senior teacher

Associate Professor

Муканов Айдар Хамзеевич
Муканов Айдар Хамзеевич

Senior teacher



Learning programs


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