Educational and methodical work

Educational and methodical work

Educational and methodical work

The department has a set of educational and methodical documentation for all basic disciplines and special courses, including training and work programs for full-time and part-time departments and distance learning, plans and guidelines for seminars, test topics for part-time students and guidelines for writing them, exam preparation questions for full-time and part-time students and distance learning.

Teachers of the department are actively involved in the development and implementation of new forms, methods and means of education in the educational process (discussions, game situations, "round tables", etc.). Teachers of the department in the organization of the educational process not only use traditional methods and forms of education, but also pay attention to the introduction of business, excursion classes (retreat classes) are widely used. The department is widely implemented progressive forms of monitoring students' knowledge: intermediate certification, testing residual knowledge (testing), rating system ratings.

The teachers of the department pay attention to the discussion of the development of students' creative abilities, critical thinking in the process of teaching the disciplines of the department. In teaching, an important role is played by professional growth, advanced training, and the accumulation of skills for working with students, which in turn affects the quality of educational services.

In this regard, it is important to conduct open classes for teachers of departments, supervised visits by heads of departments, visits to experienced teachers from different departments, at which experience is exchanged, and the comments made and suggestions made by colleagues during the discussion of conducted classes contribute to the improvement of teaching, information technology in the teaching process. The department pays attention to these issues. Developed and approved schedules of mutual visits and open classes.

Particular attention is paid to the practical training of students and undergraduates who have practice in existing business entities. In most cases, the place of internship becomes a permanent job of a graduate after receiving a diploma. The educational process is supported by modern material and technical base. The lecture halls and auditoriums are equipped with interactive whiteboards and multimedia devices.

Teachers of the department pays great attention to the introduction of modern pedagogical technologies and new teaching methods, as well as means of students' cognitive activity, for this purpose a permanent methodical seminar works at the department, at whose meetings issues are discussed and appropriate decisions are made.

Learning programs

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