Research work

Research work

Research work

Research work of teaching staff.
The research activity of the teaching staff of the “Finance, Accounting and Evaluation” department is aimed at training specialists with modern professional skills and competencies in the field of state and corporate finance, accounting and auditing, and appraisal activities.

In recent years, the volume of scientific research has increased, the number of published monographs and scientific articles has increased in peer-reviewed, included in the Scopus database, as well as in journals recommended by KKSON MES RK:
- The journal "Izvestia NAS RK";
- The journal "Economics and Statistics";
- Bulletin of the University "Turan";
- RSCI and others.

(Rakhimova G.A., Pyagai A.A., Dairabaeva A.A., Esymkhanova Z.K., Sakenova Z.M., Abutalipov B.K., Tusupbaeva A.D., Zhuanyshev A.E., Dosbergenova A .S., Kozbakhova D.L., etc.).

Scientific and scientific-methodical work at the department:
- It is carried out in the direction “Evaluation of efficiency and improving the mechanisms of financial support for the development of SMEs in the Republic of Kazakhstan” (scientific advisers Rakhimova G.K., Esymkhanova Z.K., Abutalipov B.K.);
- 2 scientific projects and participation in the competition for grant financing of the MES RK for 2021-2023 are being prepared. in the priority direction "Scientific foundations" Mangilik el"(education of the XXI century fundamental and applied research in the field of humanities):
1. Rakhimova G.A., candidate of economic sciences, professor on the topic: “Assessing the effectiveness of internal audit in the state audit system of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;
2. Esymkhanova Z.K., candidate of economic sciences, professor on the topic: “Assessment and forecasting of the tax burden and its impact on equalizing the level of budgetary provision of the regions of Kazakhstan”.

Advanced training.
Every year, teachers of the department take advanced training courses in the disciplines taught in:
- Scientific and Methodological Center "ZIAT";
- Center for Educational Technologies "ExpertSevenStart" and other educational institutions (Rakhimova G.A., Pyagai A.A., Dairabaeva A.A., Esymkhanova Z.K., Sakenova Z.M., Abutalipov B.K., Tusupbaeva A. D., Zhuanyshev A.E., Dosbergenova A.S., Kozbakhova D.L., Taurbaev J.R., Abdygalieva L.S. and others).
- Candidate of Economics, Professor Rakhimova G.K., Candidate of Economics, Professor Esymkhanova Z.K. and senior lecturer A. Dosbergenova 72 advanced training courses were held on the topic “Innovative Forms and Methods of Teaching Students at Entrepreneurial Universities”. (October 15-28, 2019, NRU Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation).

Research work of students, undergraduates (NIRS, NIRM).
In recent years, at the request of organizations in the department, master's theses have been carried out, having practical and scientific significance with acts of introduction into production.
Students and undergraduates also make presentations at meetings of scientific circles and international, republican student conferences:

  • I degree diploma for the scientific work “Strategy and tactics of risk management at the enterprise” at the International scientific-practical online conference on the theme “The global financial crisis and globalization: opinions, assessments, conclusions” together with the Lipetsk branch of the RANEPA - Nurlyguzhieva Aiman, Lipetsk, Russian Federation;
  • II degree diploma of the for the scientific work “Some approaches to assessing the effectiveness of investment projects” at the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Socio-economic priorities for the development of modern society: problems and prospects - Satybaldy Erbolat, Lipetsk, Russia.


  • III degree diploma at the XI Republican student subject Olympiad - students of the specialty "Assessment", 2018
  • I degree diploma at the II Republican competition of scientific works of students "Scientific Review" - 4th year student of the specialty "Finance" Gabitov Nurbol, Nur-Sultan, September 28, 2019. Supervisor - professor of the department "Finance, Accounting and Evaluation" Esymkhanova Zeynegul Klyshbekovna;
  • I degree diplomas at the International Competition for the Best Scientific Work of Students “World of Olympiads” - 2nd and 3rd year students of the specialties “Accounting and Auditing” and “Finance” Maulenova Laura, Raushanbek Nazym and Bigisinova Aidana, Krasnodar, Russia, 2019. Supervisors - Pyagay A.A., Rakhimova G.A. and Esymkhanova Z.K.
  • II degree diploma at the International Student Subject Olympiad among students of Kazakhstan universities in the EP "Finance" - 2nd and 4th year students Gabitov Nurbol, Omarova Tomiris and Saparova Talshyn, Karaganda, December 06. 2019. Supervisor - Professor Esymkhanova Z.K.


  • Diplomas of I-III degrees at the X Republican competition "Zhas Bilimpaz" for the best scientific work of students - 2nd and 3rd year students of the specialties "Accounting and Auditing" and "Finance" Bisenbaeva Dariya, Maulenova Laura, Hamidolla Kuralay and Saparova Talshyn, January 2020. Supervisor  - Sakenova Z.M., Pyagay A.A., Rakhimova G.A. and Esymkhanova Z.K.
  •  Certificates and diplomas.




The international cooperation.
Teachers of the department collaborate with the following universities and research organizations:
- Stavropol State Agrarian University (Stavropol, Russia);
- Russian University of national cohesion (Moscow, Russian Federation);
- Lipetsk branch of R (Lipetsk, Russian Federation)
- Altai Laboratory of SibNIIESKh SFNTSA RAS (Barnaul, RF), etc.

Over the past 2 years, scientific events of the international level have been held:
 - 06/02/2019 - the participation of faculty and students in the International online conference on the topic "Agricultural Science, Creativity, Growth" in conjunction with the Accounting and Finance Department of Stavropol State Agrarian University. Presentations were made by R. Aimkulov and Esymkhanova Z.K. Following the results of the conference, a collection of the conference will be published (Stavropol, RF);
- 28/02/2019, in cooperation with the Economics Faculty of the national cohesion  University of Russia (PFUR), the International Scientific Roundtable “Financial Innovations in the Digital Economy: Problems and Prospects of Development in the World and Russia” was held, and a collection of scientific papers (PFUR) was released following the event , Moscow, RF). The coordinator of our university is Professor Esymkhanova Z.K.;
- 29/05/2019 - the participation of faculty and students of the department in the work of the International online conference on the topic "The World Financial Crisis and Globalization: Opinions, Estimates, Conclusions" together with the Lipetsk Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. Presentations were made by undergraduates of TAU. Following the results of the conference, a conference digest will be published, diplomas will be issued to participants (Lipetsk, RF);
- 12/11/2019 - A round table as part of the Week of the Department of FUO is a scientific and practical seminar in conjunction with the Accounting and Finance Department of Stavropol State Agrarian University online. Presentations by TAU were made by practitioners and scientists of the departments “EIB” and “FUO” (Stavropol, RF);
- 06/02/2020 - the participation of teaching staff and students of the department in the work of the International Scientific and Practical Forum "Innovative and Sustainable Development of Complex Socio-Economic Systems", as part of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the Stavropol State Agrarian University (Stavropol, Russian Federation). The moderators of our university are the head of the "FUO"department, Candidate of Economics, professor Rakhimova G.K. and professor Esymkhanova Z.K.
- 07/02/2020 in conjunction with RUDN University, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Digital Finance 2020” was held as part of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of RUDN University (Moscow, Russian Federation). Coordinator from TAU - professor of the department Esymkhanova Z.K.


The holding of such scientific events will continue to contribute to strengthening international relations between scientists from these countries.

The teaching staff and students of the "FUO" department actively participate in the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference held by TAU. At the XIth International Scientific and Practical Conference of young scientists, graduates and students “Revival of national spiritual consciousness and competitive youth”, held at the university, dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great poet, enlightener Abay, undergraduates and students took part (Sabyrzhan Zhanerke, Dariya Bisenbaev, Burkitbay Nazymgul, Maulenova Laura, etc.).

Scientific - methodical work.
The department implements scientific seminars on the following topics:
- “Evaluation and evaluation activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Ph.D., associate professor B. Abutalipov;
- “Problems of increasing the financial literacy of the population in the context of digitalization of Kazakhstan”, Ph.D., professor Esymkhanova ZK;
- “Intra-university system for ensuring the quality of education”, Ph.D., Art. teacher Abdygalieva L.S.

At the department under the guidance of a senior teacher Taurbaev Zh.R. Student Scientific Club (NSC) “Guarantor".

This scientific club was created with the aim of enhancing the cognitive activity of students, instilling skills in scientific activity, testing their scientific achievements, preparing for conferences and round tables.

At the same time, students and undergraduates of the department annually take part in regional, republican and international subject Olympiad.


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