Students of the Department of National and International Law at a field practical seminar in the "Pathology Bureau" of the Akimat of Astana

Students of the Department of National and International Law at a field practical seminar in the "Pathology Bureau" of the Akimat of Astana

On February 15, 2023, a practical lesson was held for students of the 4th year of the Law School on the basis of the State Enterprise at the Pathoanatomic Bureau of the Akimat of Astana city. The practical lesson was organized by the Master of Law, senior lecturer Yagmussova A.F. together with the pathologists of the bureau.

During the practical lesson, the students visited the sectional hall, where forensic experts performed an autopsy of two corpses of men. Corpses are opened to establish the cause, method and time of death, etc. The autopsy is carried out with the help of special tools: scalpel, scissors, bone saw, etc. During the autopsy, the highest professionals in the field of forensic medicine gave students a lot of useful information for future lawyers, in particular about how to determine the time of death by cadaveric spots, body temperature, told about the features of the internal organs of a healthy and sick person, which they even demonstrated clearly.

At the end of the practical lesson at the pathology bureau, the students gathered in the lecture room, where the head answered all the questions of interest and shared examples from his practice related to his expert activities. The students were also shown a laboratory (anatomical theater), where biological materials are stored in containers with formalin.


According to the teacher A.F. Yagmusova, it will be difficult for students of the Faculty of Law and future ministers of Themis without visiting such institutions during their student years in the future in the profession of a judge, prosecutor, investigator, lawyer.


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