On November 2, 2022, Sanzhar Askenovich Adilov, Head of the Investigative Department of the MIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Major General of the police, conducted a field practical lesson for students of the University "Turan-Astana".

On November 2, 2022, Sanzhar Askenovich Adilov, Head of the Investigative Department of the MIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Major General of the police, conducted a field practical lesson for students of the University "Turan-Astana".

On November 2, 2022, Sanzhar Askenovich Adilov, Head of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Major General of the police, conducted a field practical lesson for students of the University "Turan-Astana". Students were invited to the Operational Management Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
There they got acquainted in practice with the logistics of the Central Educational Institution and the work of operational management. It should be noted that in order to ensure the safety of citizens and the protection of public order, the Operational Management Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan operates around the clock. Further, the students had the opportunity to visit the operational-criminalistic department at the investigative-criminalistic training ground to practice practical skills, study advanced methods of investigating crimes based on ballistic research.
For the purposes of patriotic education, Major General S.A. Adilov conducted a detailed tour of the exhibition hall for students, where they were told the history of the formation of internal affairs bodies in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also a video was shown about employees who heroically fulfilled their duty to the Motherland and died in the line of duty. Along with this, exhibits of uniforms, weapons and ammunition were shown, which are in service with the internal affairs bodies at different stages of its development. During the tour, students were asked questions about the difficulties of the service, about the most memorable criminal cases. The museum's expositions and the fascinating story of the guide did not leave future specialists indifferent, who were able to see truly unique objects and documents telling about the fight against crime in our  country.
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