2nd year master student of "Kazakh language and literature" EP , became the winner of "The World of Abai", a competition for the best scientific work

2nd year master student of "Kazakh language and literature" EP , became the winner of "The World of Abai", a competition for the best scientific work

Kaliakbar Usemkhan, 2-year master student of the specialty "Kazakh language and literature", became the winner of the competition for the best scientific work "The World of Abai" among undergraduates and students, organized by the N. Nazarbayev Foundation and the State Language Development Fund in the framework of the celebration of the 175th anniversary of the great poet Abai Kunanbaeva. The scientific supervisor is the candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Zh.M.Iskakova.

The main goal of the competition is to popularize the work of the great thinker, identify talented young scientists, and support the further implementation of their scientific research.

Scientific works were presented from all regions of Kazakhstan and for a competent jury, among which were well-known scholars of Abaeology, the decision to determine the winner was not easy. The main attention of the jury was directed to the original idea of ​​the research, to the reliability and distinctive features of the scientific work.

We wish scientific and creative success to our winner - master's student Kaliakbar Usemkhan and his scientific advisor Zhazira Maksutovna!

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