Career opportunities at the Department of Justice of the city of Nur-Sultan
Кафедра "Национальное и международное право"

Career opportunities at the Department of Justice of the city of Nur-Sultan

Students and undergraduates of TAU University took part in a scientific advisory seminar on the basis of the Department of Justice of the city of Nur-Sultan. The seminar was attended by: Tlenchiev A.T., Head of the Department of Justice of the city of Nur-Sultan; Yerkinuli Adil, with a report “On the Activities of the Department of Justice of the city of Nur-Sultan”; Artykova A.K. - Head of the Department for Development and International Cooperation with a brief overview of the activities of NIIС;

Batyrbekova A.B. - Head of the Department of Inventions, Utility Models and Selection Achievements with the report “Legal Protection of Inventions and Utility Models in the Republic of Kazakhstan. International Patent System "; Shiderbekov S.A. - Deputy Head of the Copyright Department with the report "Fundamentals of Copyright in the Republic of Kazakhstan"; Turganova G.K. - chief expert of the Department of Trademarks, Appellations of Origin and Industrial Designs with the report “Legal Protection of Trademarks and Appellations of Origin”, “International Registration of Trademarks”; Barsukova R.A., Professor, Department of National and International Law, University of Turan-Astana.

Participants of the seminar discussed the issue of employing graduates, providing a base of practice and internships. Within the framework of the announced year of the “Biz birgemiz” volunteer, a group of students was formed to undergo a study tour in the departments of the Department of Justice with the aim of further participating together with the Department of Justice in actions to provide free legal assistance and consultations in the city of Nur Sultan.

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