State local government

State local government

  • Languages

    Russian, Kazakh

  • How much to study?

    Profile direction - 1 year; Scientific and pedagogical direction - 2 years.

  • More

    Masters should be able to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice, receiving, analyzing, interpreting, summarizing, evaluating and presenting information about the activities of the state system. Masters in the specialty 6M051000 "State and local government" can perform the following professional activities: Organizational and technological activities. The master has the necessary skills for the qualified organization of work on the creation of scientific and methodological analytical base for making the right management decisions, indicative and strategic planning.

    Improving the technology of management of socio-economic processes, the formation of technology management of socio-economic processes, the formation of macroeconomic, innovation and investment, regional and foreign economic policy of the state;

    Production and management activities. The master has the knowledge and skills to carry out activities for the effective organization of the production process, sales of goods and paid services, foreign economic relations, improving the financial condition of economic agents, as well as improving mechanisms for managing the economy at the micro-macroeconomic level; able to determine medium-long-term strategic objectives, composition and ways of using mechanisms for their implementation;

    Research activities. The master carries out research work on the selected problem on the basis of the wide use of methods of analysis, synthesis and forecasting of various socio-economic phenomena, organizes its activities well as part of research and educational organizations, international and interstate research organizations, temporary creative teams, conducts independent research work to protect their main results;

    Educational (pedagogical) activity. The master has the necessary educational and scientific potential and practical skills for conducting educational and teaching activities

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