

Globalization has spurred tourism to become one of the fastest growing industries in modern business. Modern companies need academic, visionary leaders to create new business models.
  • Languages

    Russian, Kazakh

  • How much to study?

    Profile direction - 1 year; Scientific and pedagogical direction - 2 years.

  • Academic degree

    Master in Tourism

  • More

    Get ready for the global tourism industry.

    The MSc in Tourism prepares students to better address the future needs of the global tourism industry. The program focuses on leadership and business management, in particular with respect to hospitality-related companies, tourism marketing and tourism organization.


    We want you to ask questions.

    Based on recent developments in sustainability and new media technologies, we challenge Masters in Tourism students to discuss the impact of technology on tourism and tourism across destinations and across societies.


    Take responsibility.

    Learn about the relationship between innovation, sustainability, and appointment management from accredited industry experts. Do you want to find out what management policies can be implemented in the tourism production chain in order to create an unforgettable experience for tourists that affects the interests of all stakeholders? At TAU University, you will gain experience in dealing with these issues.


    Key facts

     International university with different languages of instruction

    Graduates prepare for leadership positions in the tourism industry

    Study of new trends in tourism management

    Emphasis on critical thinking, collaborative learning and 21st century problem solving

    Courses taught by internationally recognized tourism professionals

    Unique network of startups, industry partners and investors


    Who can I work?

      Operator and agency activities (operator and agency services);

    Hotel activities (hotel services);

    Restaurant activities (catering services);

    Excursion activity (excursion services);

    Transport service;

    Other services of the tourism industry;

    Innovative activity in the tourism industry.


     Catalog of elective disciplines - 2 years

     Catalog of elective disciplines - 1 year


    Modular educational program "Tourism"

    Passport of the educational program "Tourism" - 2 years

    Passport of the educational program "Tourism" - 1 year


    Development plan of educational programs for 2022-2025

     Development plan of educational programs for 2022-2025 "Tourism"



What else should I know?:


Learning programs

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