Accreditation and Rating Department

Accreditation and Rating Department


The Accreditation and Rating Department was established in accordance with the Charter of the University and on the basis of the Decision of the Academic Council, Minutes No. 2 dated September 23, 2020.

Main goals: ensuring high competitiveness of the university in the domestic and foreign markets of educational services

Tasks: Improving the quality of the educational activities of the University through participation in national and world rankings, preparation and successful completion of institutional and specialized accreditation of the University in national and international agencies.


Department`s main functions

The main functions of the department

• Organization and coordination of the activities of the Council for Academic Quality of the University

• Collection and analysis of information about the activities of the University, to provide national and foreign rating organizations with their requests

• Information and consulting support for the activities of departments and structural units aimed at improving the position of the university in various rankings

• Collection and analysis of information about the activities of the University for submission to national and international accreditation agencies, in accordance with their standards

• Organization and preparation of documents and support of the procedure of institutional accreditation, accreditation of educational programs;

• Participation in the work of commissions for self-evaluation of educational programs

• Organization and implementation of a comprehensive audit of the activities of the structural divisions of the University in preparation for accreditation of educational programs / institutional accreditation

Work plan of the Academic Quality Council for 2022-2023 academic year.

Order on the composition of the SAK for the 2022-2023 academic year.


Leading specialist - Asylaeva Kadisha Kusbekovna

8 (7172) 39-81-18 (ext. 111)

Astana, st. Dukenuly, 29

Educational building "B", room 217

Working hours - from 09:00 to 18.00 hours

Learning programs

Contact Center