Kazakh language and literature

Kazakh language and literature

Master's degree is the first stage of postgraduate vocational education.
  • Languages


  • How much to study?

    In the profile direction - 1 year; On the scientific and pedagogical direction - 2 years.

  • Academic degree

    1. Master of Education in the specialty "7М01701 -" Kazakh language and literature;
    2. Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty "7М01701" Kazakh language and literature ".

  • Mission of the educational program

    The Master’s educational program provides an opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge in the field of linguistics, cultural linguistics, communication theory, methods of teaching the Kazakh language and literature.

  • More

    The department “Social-humanitarian and linguistic disciplines” prepares highly qualified specialists with complex knowledge, social and professional skills who master the keys of their profession in accordance with modern requirements. The work of the faculty of the department is always extensive. The education system of qualified specialists, required by the requirements of education, science and society, has been modernized in accordance with modern requirements. The faculty of the department offers the following master's programs for competitive professionals in order to gain in-depth knowledge as follows.

    The masters of the Kazakh language and literature studies the structure and use of the Kazakh language. This type of graduate program teaches students to systematically identify, describe and analyze language phenomena and apply this knowledge in a specific area of ​​interest.

    The masters of the Kazakh language and literature studies the structure and use of the Kazakh language.

    This type of graduate program teaches students to systematically identify, describe and analyze language phenomena and apply this knowledge in a specific area of ​​interest.

    The MA program at TAU ​​University offers a wide range for more in-depth language learning. This will allow you to learn how to systematically identify, describe and analyze language phenomena and apply this knowledge in a specific area of ​​interest, ranging from theoretical and experimental approaches to linguistics to language documentation, language comparison, language learning, language use in different fields, translation systems. The program brings together scientists from a variety of theoretical and applied sciences.


    The program offers a wide range of issues to consider:

    - theoretical linguistics (phonology, syntax, semantics)
    - psycholinguistics (language acquisition, language processing)
    - language use (discourse study, trilingualism, phonetics, historical linguistics)

    You will gain a solid background in all three areas, and then choose a series of elective courses to specialize in one area. You will be trained in empirical, computational and experimental methods, will be engaged in the design, planning and implementation of a research project during your internship.

What else should I know?:


- You will master a broad understanding of the field of linguistics and a deep knowledge of a certain subdiscipline of linguistics - the Kazakh language and literature;
- You will learn to apply your knowledge to new topics and critically evaluate existing knowledge and current research;
- You will acquire academic, communication, and methodological skills that will prepare you for your own research.
In your internship under the supervision of senior researchers at TAU ​​University, you will learn how to formulate original research questions and develop answers;
- You will become part of the communication network in the field of languages ​​through participation in lecture series, seminars that will give you a start to your postgraduate career.


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