Legal regulation of the economy

Legal regulation of the economy

  • Languages

    Kazakh, Russian

  • How much to study?

    on the basis of CO - 4 years; on the basis of SPO (college) – 3 years; on the basis of higher education – 2 years.

  • Academic degree

    Bachelor of Law in the educational program "6B04204 - Legal regulation of the economy"

  • More

    To train specialists in the training program "Legal regulation of the economy", the traditions of the mutual influence of law and economics are maintained, a broad approach to economic and legal analysis is carried out. The department has a team of bright and experienced teachers who have recognized achievements in teaching and scientific activities. The main direction of students' scientific activity is the study of economic relations in the projection of the legal space, the allocation of methods of state regulation of the economy, the application of principles and norms governing business and economic relations in practice.


    Graduates can also perform the following types of professional activities:

    - in the state and legal departments of akimats;

    - in the judicial system;

    - in the prosecutor's office;

    - in the internal affairs bodies;

    - in the customs authorities;

    - in the notary's office;

    - in the consulting room;

    - in advocacy and others.



    High-quality training of qualified lawyers with a high level of legal culture and legal awareness, as well as fundamental knowledge and professional competencies in the field of economics.

    The need to change the economic concept of the state in economic activity and appeal to the fundamental theoretical developments of legal science reflects the importance of the work of graduates in the educational program "Legal regulation of the economy".



What else should I know?:

Bachelor of the educational program "Legal regulation of the economy" can perform the following types of professional activity:

- normative activity;

- participation in the preparation of regulatory legal acts;

- law enforcement activities;

- justification and adoption of decisions within the scope of official duties, as well as the commission of actions related to the implementation of legal norms;

- drafting of legal documents;

- law enforcement activities;

- ensuring the rule of law, the rule of law, the security of the individual, society and the state;

- prevention, suppression, detection, disclosure and investigation of economic offenses;

- protection of private, state and other forms of ownership;

- expert consulting activities in the field of law and economics;

- legal and economic consulting;

- implementation of legal and economic expertise of documents;

- teaching of legal and economic disciplines;

- junior researcher in research organizations.


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