

  • Languages

    Kazakh, russian

  • How much to study?

    on the basis of CO - 4 years; on the basis of SPO (college) – 3 years; on the basis of higher education – 2 years.

  • Academic degree

    Bachelor of Law in the educational program "6B04201 - Jurisprudence"

  • More

    Rights, freedoms, duties, laws are words that have long been included in the vocabulary of a civilized person. Studying law is incredibly interesting. The fact is that legal norms cover absolutely all spheres of human life: economic, political, family, labor relations, etc.

    An excellent opportunity to become one of the professional lawyers is provided by the training of students in the specialty "Jurisprudence", where students are taught by doctors and candidates of law, teachers with extensive practical experience.

    For the training of legal specialists, the department has equipped educational and methodological offices: "Courtroom", the atmosphere of which gives students a visual representation during practical classes about the participants in the process, their role in the court session. "Cabinet of Information and Legal Research" is equipped with computers connected to the university's local computer network with Internet access. The computer class is equipped with methodological and scientific literature on magnetic and electronic media. "Cabinet of Criminalistics and forensic expertise", equipped with modern technical training tools and visual aids, exclusive materials.

    Cabinet "International Center for the Study of Problems of National and International Legislation" on the basis of the center, the scientific and student circle "Themis" operates, students conduct research within the framework of diploma design, as well as undergraduates in the areas of master's works.

    The diploma of the University "Turan-Astana" in the specialty "Jurisprudence" provides an opportunity to have a prestigious job: in tax authorities; in banks; in the bar; in insurance companies; in law enforcement; in courts; in public service; in enterprises of any form of ownership.



    Graduates can also perform the following types of professional activities:

    - in the state and  legal departments of mayors;

    - in the judicial system;

    - in the prosecutor's office;

    - in the internal affairs bodies;

    - in the customs authorities;

    - in the notary's office;

    - in the consulting room;

    - - in advocacy and others.



    During their studies at TAU University students consistently study a full range of basic legal disciplines: constitutional law, administrative law, municipal law, financial law, tax law, civil law, civil procedure, criminal law, criminal procedure, criminalistics, environmental law, land law, labor law, social security law, international law, private international law, prosecutorial supervision, business law, commercial law, family law and other legal disciplines, as well as foreign language, logic, social and humanitarian disciplines.


    During their studies, students practice in court, in the prosecutor's office, other public authorities, in the legal departments of firms and enterprises.



Русский, казахский

What else should I know?:

Another important feature of the training of lawyers at the Turan-Astana University is the close connection of theory with practice both at the level of academic and extracurricular activities. It is important for us that students not only learn from books how lawyers and law enforcement agencies work, but also be able to see this work with their own eyes and participate in it. Such an experience is certainly important and useful!

Representatives of legal dynasties often come to law faculties — those whose parents and other relatives are engaged in legal activities, and they see that this work is certainly noble and promising. But, no less among our applicants and those who were not familiar with the profession so closely, but decided to become a lawyer on their own. They are confident in themselves and strive to realize themselves in this area.

The geography of our applicants is extensive: These are residents of Nur-Sultan and other large cities of our country, as well as residents of small towns, towns, villages, who, together with legal education, get a reliable start to realize their plans and desires.

We receive not only courageous and responsible young men, but also beautiful cheerful girls.  For each of the applicants, the direction of training "Jurisprudence" gives opportunities for personal growth and development!


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