Decorative art and ethnodesign

Decorative art and ethnodesign

Ethnodesign, as one of the areas of design, has recently begun to actively manifest itself in fashion, architecture, graphic design and other areas of arts and crafts and art.
  • Languages

    Орыс, қазақ

  • Academic degree

    Bachelor in Services

  • Mission of the educational program

    On the basis of SO - 5 years; On the basis of secondary vocational education (college) - 3 years; On the basis of higher education - 2 years.

  • More

    Modern designers increasingly focus on national colors, symbols, shapes and motifs in their work and draw inspiration for projects from the traditional culture of their peoples. This approach allows you to favorably highlight your works and make them attractive to the consumer, because the stock of original beauty, on which, as a basis, new things are created, attracts with the power of ancestors, looking through a modern shell and invariably attracts admiring glances. The increased interest in ethnic design is not surprising, since it is folk art that is unique and inimitable and is the source of a huge number of ornaments, colors and forms, tested in practice by generations.

    The main goal is to train a highly qualified, competent specialist with developed creative thinking and professional skills who is fluent in traditional arts and crafts techniques. Experienced specialists, artists, members of the Union of Artists and Designers work at the department.

    The educational program is focused on the training of professionally competent specialists who are able to implement the acquired knowledge both in individual creative training and in production. The basis of specialized training in the educational program is the following disciplines: "Styles in Design and Interior", "History of the National Costume", "Ornament in Decorative and Applied Arts", "Jewellery Art", "Academic Sculpture and Plastic Modeling", "Technologies of Traditional Craft » and others. Work is carried out in specialized workshops, where the skills and abilities of making decorative items in the material are improved, there is a museum of decorative art. Graduates of the department will be able to find work in specialized art firms, workshops, design studios, teaching activities in the system of higher, secondary and primary art education.

    Teachers and students of the department are united by active creative activity and joint exhibitions. The creative works of teachers and students of the department were awarded with awards, diplomas of international competitions, are constantly exhibited at regional and regional exhibitions.

What else should I know?:


Catalog of elective disciplines "Decorative art and ethnodesign"

Modular educational program "Decorative art and ethnodesign"

Passport of the educational program "Decorative art and ethnodesign"

 Working Curriculum - 5 years

Working Curriculum - 3 years

Working Curriculum - 2 years

Development plan of educational programs for 2022-2025

 Development plan of educational programs for 2022-2025 "Decorative art and ethnodesign"

Learning programs

Contact Center