State and local government

State and local government

Brief description of the Educational program - Bachelors of this profile are intended for economic, managerial, entrepreneurial, commercial and research work in organizations of various forms of ownership and in various fields of activity.
  • Languages

    Russian, Kazakh

  • How much to study?

    Duration of study: 4 years on the basis of secondary education, 3 years on the basis of technical and vocational education, 2 years on the basis of higher education.

  • Academic degree

    Bachelor of Economics and Business

  • Mission of the educational program

    The mission of the Educational Program is to train highly qualified personnel in the field of public administration with fundamental knowledge and practical skills and abilities, innovative approaches, research skills

  • More

    Bachelor of 5В051000 specialty - State and local government can perform the following professional activities:

    - organizational and technological activities. The bachelor in this specialty has all the skills to work in the development and application of management technology in state and local governments, at a particular enterprise, including participating in the creation of scientific, methodological and organizational and technological base of management, together with other areas of training develops and applies the most effective methods, rules and procedures of strategic and tactical planning, management;

    - production and management activities. Production and management activity is the prerogative of bachelors in this specialty, since the educational process requires them to thoroughly study all issues related to the process of state and local government, including and production management.Direct official duties of graduates in this specialty is the creation of an effective system of management of the national economy, its industries and regions. Practical application of all known principles of management, use of the developed scientific, methodological, organizational and technological base of management, the formation of the economic strategy of the state, industries and regions, strategic planning and planning of current activities, analysis of the effectiveness of their implementation, etc.

    - The project activity of bachelors in this specialty is carried out in two main areas: organizational design includes the development of organizational management structures, their implementation, adaptation, as well as analysis of the effectiveness and improvement of these structures. Analysis of economic projects involves the development and analysis of the effectiveness of specialized documents (feasibility study, business plan, etc.) relating to the organization of a new enterprise or an economic project and necessary to obtain loans, loans and other types of financial support;

    -The research activity of bachelors in this specialty is carried out both within the framework of research programs of higher educational institutions, and as part of relevant research groups of research institutes, industrial enterprises and corporations, or independently. A special place is given to international programs of scientific cooperation in the field of economics, organization, management;

    - educational or pedagogical activity of bachelors of this specialty consists in professional activity in secondary vocational schools.

    The profession provides excellent career opportunities, especially if such valuable employers' skills as managerial and organizational talent, initiative and interpersonal skills are added to the acquired knowledge of the graduate.

    Here is another interesting:

    • Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Office of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, various structural units of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
    • Economic and financial authorities (ministries, departments, agencies);
    • Local authorities (akimats of districts, cities, regions) and executive bodies; National public and private companies.




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