National and international law

National and international law

The profession of a lawyer is a complex, difficult, but extremely interesting and respected profession, to which you can devote your whole life and be proud of your choice. “The Department of National and International Law” has been operating since the founding of TAU and has established itself as one of the most advanced schools for training specialists in the field of jurisprudence and law enforcement.

The department trains students in the following specialties: 6B04201 "Jurisprudence", 6B04202 "International Law", 7M04201 - "Jurisprudence". The peculiarity of the training of our graduates is the unity of fundamental training and in-depth study of modern requirements of science, practice and legislation.

The high quality of training of specialists is achieved due to the stable composition of the teaching staff. All teachers of the department have specialized basic education, have a wide range of knowledge and are constantly engaged in professional development, self-education and self-improvement. The teaching staff of the department is represented by qualified specialists in the field of constitutional law, civil law, criminal law, criminology, criminology, penal enforcement law, many of whom have extensive practical experience in the system of law enforcement agencies.

The department is headed by Rita A. Barsukova, candidate of Law, Professor.

Awards and achievements of the department

On April 22, 2023, a 4th-year student of the Department of National and International Law, Suyumagambetov Daniyar, took 1st place at the XV Republican Subject Olympiad in the direction of "Law" among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On March 31, 2023, a team of 2nd-year students "Continuity of Generations" of the Department of National and International Law took 2nd place in the Republican competition organized by the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, among students and students of universities "Seitov Izbasary", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of O. S. Seitov.

On May 13, 2023, a 3rd-year student of the Department of National and International Law Elmira Kabilzhaparova took 3rd place in the Republican Subject Olympiad in International Law among undergraduate students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 2020, Candidate of Law, Professor Kapsalyamov K.Zh. was elected a foreign member of the Academy of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and awarded a medal.

In 2020, Candidate of Law, Professor Kapsalyamov K.Zh. Future Learn completed a scientific pedagogical internship on the system in London, UK.

In 2019, Candidate of Law, Professor Kapsalyamov K.Zh. was awarded the medal "The best researcher" from the Association of Universities of Kazakhstan.

In 2018, Professor of the department Imanbayev S.M. was awarded a letter of thanks from the akim of the Saryarka district of Nur-Sultan for his contribution to the development of science and education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 2018, Professor of the department Barsukova R.A. was awarded the badge "Honorary worker of Education".

In 2017, Professor of the Department Imanbayev S.M. was awarded the diploma of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for his contribution to the development of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 2017, Professor of the Department Imanbayev S.M. was awarded the badge "25 years of the police of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for his significant contribution to the strengthening and further development of the activities of the educational institution, as well as in honor of the celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

.In 2013, Professor of the Department Barsukova R.A. was awarded the badge "For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan".


More detailed information about the specialties is available on the pages of the specialties themselves.


The department is headed by Rita A. Barsukova, candidate of Law, Professor.


Barsukova Rita Anatolyevna

Head of the Department of National and International Law,

Professor, candidate of Legal Sciences

office 413, phone 8(7172) 39-73-39


Department mission

Preparation of highly qualified bachelors and masters in law, active participation in the use of the legislative framework in order to develop human potential and increase the competitiveness of Kazakhstani society.

Professors staff

Барсукова Р.А.
Барсукова Р.А.

Зав. Каф профессор

Mirgul Narbinova
Mirgul Narbinova


Дусанбекова М.А.
Дусанбекова М.А.

Старший преподаватель

Аккулов  Р.Т.
Аккулов Р.Т.

Старший преподаватель


Learning programs


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