«State and local government» (profile direction)

«State and local government» (profile direction)

Brief description of the Educational program - masters of this profile are intended for economic, managerial, entrepreneurial, commercial work in organizations of various forms of ownership and in various fields of activity.
  • Languages

    Kazakh, Russian

  • How much to study?

    Form of study: full-time Duration of training: 1 year

  • Academic degree

    Master of Business and Management in the educational program 7M04115 "State and Local Government"

  • Mission of the educational program

    The mission of the Educational Program is to train personnel for the public sector who have a large-scale vision and strategic thinking, who are able to respond promptly to global challenges, predict them and manage them

  • More

    Qualifications and positions of graduates under the educational program 7M04115 "State and local administration" are determined in accordance with the qualification directory of positions, managers, specialists and other employees approved by the Order of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 21, 2012 No. 201-p-m:

    - primary positions in the field of:

    - central and local government economists;

    - heads or managers of state-owned enterprises, joint-stock companies;

    - managers or managers of manufacturing companies, holdings, service companies, etc.;

    - economists-managers of management structures of the financial and credit sector;

    - specialists of various levels in the economics of social sectors.

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