Socio-humanitarian and language disciplines

Socio-humanitarian and language disciplines

The Department of Social Sciences, Humanities and Language Disciplines is a structural subdivision of Turan-Astana University. The formation of general cultural and professional competencies of students and undergraduates of the Turan-Astana University, ensuring a high level of social and professional mobility, adaptation to the market environment and innovation, capable of self-realization in the context of the integration of Kazakhstan into the world community is the mission of our department. The goal of the department is the formation of professional and social-personal competencies of future specialists, as well as the promotion of advanced academic ideas, the training of competitive specialists with high educational and spiritual potential.


Objectives of the department:

  • developing competencies and skills among students necessary to continue their education in specialties;
  • introduction and use of the latest educational technologies in the educational process and ensuring the quality of teaching;
  • development of the scientific potential of the faculty of the department;
  • improving pedagogical skills and advanced training in the context of the University’s transformations;
  • involving students in the field of intellectual and research activities;
  • spiritual, moral and aesthetic education of students.



The philosophy of the department "Social Sciences, Humanities and Language Disciplines" is based on innovation, creativity and the pursuit of high quality. We encourage research and development of new concepts, and teach the practical skills needed for a successful career in the rapidly changing and evolving fields of the social sciences and humanities. Our goal is to prepare leaders who can make a meaningful contribution to the development of social and humanitarian fields, taking into account modern challenges and aspects. The department provides training in 3 undergraduate educational programs, 3 master's educational programs (in the scientific and pedagogical direction).


Bachelor's degree (3 educational programs):


Code and name of the OP


6В03101 - “Psychology”


6В02301 - “Translation business”


6В02302 – “Philology” (from 2022-2023)


Master's degree (3 educational programs - in scientific and pedagogical areas):



pedagogy and psychology



Kazakh language and literature



"Management in Education"


The Department of Social Sciences, Humanities and Language Disciplines has a high scientific and pedagogical potential. The scientific and pedagogical potential of the department currently amounts to: 6 Doctors of Science, 10 Candidates of Science, 5 PhDs, 28 Masters. All teachers involved in the implementation of educational programs of the department, according to their qualifications, correspond to the training profile and have a high level of scientific and pedagogical qualifications. Teachers of the department are engaged in research work in the following areas: history, cultural studies, pedagogy, psychology, sociology, philology, philosophy. The department prepares specialists with deep knowledge in the social and human sciences, as well as language skills, to effectively cope with the challenges of the modern world and make contributions to a variety of areas of social activity.

As part of the funding of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2024, teachers of the Department of SGNiAD, Professor Abisheva K.M., Professor Aikenova R.A., Associate Professor Umirzakova L.A., Imankul A.N. won a grant on the topic “Studying the ethnic conceptual sphere of the people and thinkers of the past through approaches, principles, methods of cognitive-ethical linguistic synergetics - new humanitarian knowledge”

Head of the department:


Donbaeva Ainur Beketovna

Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences

Office 219, phone 8(7172) 39-81-18



Department mission

professional training of globally competitive specialists of the Kazakh language and literature (KLL) and translation studies (TS) to meet the modern requirements of humanitarian education.

Professors staff

Иргебаева Н.М
Иргебаева Н.М


Жолшибекова Р.О
Жолшибекова Р.О

страший преподаватель

Власова Н.В.
Власова Н.В.

И.о.ст. преподавателя

Абишева К.М
Абишева К.М


Мухлисов Н.К
Мухлисов Н.К


Айкенова Р.
Айкенова Р.


Колумбаева З.Е.
Колумбаева З.Е.


Омарова С.К
Омарова С.К

Рахимбаева Г.К.
Рахимбаева Г.К.


Learning programs


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