Doctorate (PhD)


  • Languages

    Russian, Kazakh

  • How much to study?

    3 years

  • Academic degree

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 8D04101"Economics"

  • Mission of the educational program

    Preparation of scientific, scientific and pedagogical personnel of the new formation, capable of solving problems of improving the society, economy, production, science and the development of new technologies.

  • More

    8D04101 ECONOMY (DOCTOR PH.) The purpose of the educational program: the preparation of scientific, scientific and pedagogical personnel of the new formation, capable of solving the problems of improving society, economy, production, science and the development of new technologies.

    Graduates must:

    - demonstrate a systematic understanding of the field of study, skills in terms of skills and research methods used in this field;

    - plan, develop, implement and - to contribute by own original research to expanding the boundaries of the scientific field, which may deserve publication at the national or international level;

    - critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize new and complex ideas; communicate their knowledge and achievements to colleagues, the scientific community and the general public; promote the development of a knowledge-based society.

    When implementing the educational program of the specialty 8D04101 “Economics”, a credit-modular system for organizing the educational process is used, based on the modular principle of curricula, the use of a system of credit units and the corresponding educational technologies.

    Graduates of the specialty 8D04101 "Economics" are focused on the following professional activities.

    The areas of professional activity of graduates are scientific areas for the sectors of the national economy, social sphere: education, services and business, etc.

    The objects of professional activity of doctors in the specialty “Economics” are research institutes, higher educational institutions, state and local government bodies; production and economic, social and managerial, marketing, financial and analytical services of enterprises, business structures, organizations and departments.

    Types of professional activity of graduates of doctors of economics and business in the specialty "Economics" are production, management, research and teaching areas.

    A graduate of doctoral studies in the specialty 8D04101 "Economics" is awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    A PhD in Economics can work as:

    - chief economist;

    - Chief Economist Analyst;

    - chief economist in international relations;

    - the head of various departments in government structures;

    - heads of enterprises of various forms of ownership and industry sector;

    - Researchers at research institutes;

    - teachers in universities.

    Learning Outcome: A PhD in the specialty 8D04101 "Economics" should know and understand:

     -methodology and research methods;

    - types of scientific results: a single fact, empirical generalization, model, pattern, law, theory.

    - the current state of the economic, political, legal, cultural and technological environment of the global business partnership;

     - about the main trends in the development of modern business.

    The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 8D04101 “Economics” should be able to apply knowledge and understanding:

     - operate with large amounts of scientific information, independently work with its various sources; -free orientation in basic science;

     -use computer equipment to solve professional problems; A PhD in the specialty 8D04101 “Economics” should form judgments:

     - general scientific methodology, logic and technology of research;

    PhD in the specialty 8D04101 "Economics" must have communication skills:

    - analysis of its activities - finding and making organizational and managerial decisions.

    A PhD in the specialty 8D04101 "Economics" should have the skills of learning or the ability to learn:

    -present the results of the work done in the form of reports, abstracts, articles.


    1) to have an idea: about the main stages of development and the change of paradigms in the evolution of science; about subject, world outlook and methodological specificity of natural (social, humanitarian, economic) sciences; about scientific schools of the corresponding branch of knowledge, their theoretical and practical developments; about scientific concepts of world and Kazakhstan science in the relevant field; about the mechanism of implementation of scientific developments in practical activities; about the norms of interaction in the scientific community; about pedagogical and scientific ethics of a research scientist.

    2) know and understand: current trends, trends and patterns of development of domestic science in the context of globalization and internationalization; methodology of scientific knowledge; achievements of world and Kazakhstan science in the relevant field; (recognize and accept) the social responsibility of science and education; perfectly foreign language for scientific communication and international cooperation;

    3) be able to: organize, plan and implement the process of scientific research; analyze, evaluate and compare various theoretical concepts in the field of research and draw conclusions; analyze and process information from various sources; conduct independent scientific research, characterized by academic integrity, on the basis of modern theories and methods of analysis; generate their own new scientific ideas, communicate their knowledge and ideas to the scientific community, expanding the boundaries of scientific knowledge; choose and effectively use modern research methodology; plan and predict your further professional development.


    5) to be competent: in the field of scientific and scientific-pedagogical activity in the context of rapid updating and growth of information flows; in conducting theoretical and experimental research; in the formulation and solution of theoretical and applied problems in scientific research; in conducting professional and comprehensive analysis of problems in the relevant field; in matters of interpersonal communication and human resource management; in matters of university training; in the examination of scientific projects and research; in ensuring continuous professional growth.

    Professional competencies:

    - know the approaches to the management and content of planning, organization of production, investment and innovation activities;

     - the main characteristics and processes of the national economy, labor market, logistics, social economy in the modern conditions of globalization;

    - choose the necessary forms of organization of production and management, make management decisions;

     - be able to effectively use human, financial resources;

    - build and use models to describe and predict economic processes and phenomena;

    - deeply analyze and comprehend socially significant problems and processes and use the methods of social humanitarian and basic sciences in their work;

    -work in a team, defend their point of view, propose new solutions, some of which may be worthy of publications at the national or international level;

    -to contribute to the implementation of economic reforms in the republic and the directions of the country's economic development.

    Here is another interesting: A PhD in the specialty 8D04101 "Economics" should know and understand:

    Methodology and research methods;

    Types of scientific results: a single fact, an empirical generalization, a model, a pattern, a law, a theory. On the current state of the economic, political, legal, cultural and technological environment of the global business partnership;

    On the main trends in the development of modern business.

    The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 8D04101 “Economics” should be able to apply knowledge and understanding:

    To operate with large arrays of scientific information, independently work with its various sources;

    Freely navigate the fundamental science;

    Use computer equipment to solve professional problems.

What else should I know?:

 Educational program

 Educational program development plan

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