The Department of «Business-administration» was formed in 2022 by merging two departments: "Finance, accounting and evaluation" and "Economics and Innovative business".
The mission of the department - training of competitive specialists in the field of economics and management, focused on solving the problems of innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Functions of the department - to effectively use the full potential of the teaching staff and material and technical base for continuing education of the student, improving his qualifications and involvement in research work.
Department functions
Head of department: – Zhunusova Asel Zhumaevna, Doctor of Economics, Head of the Department of Business Administration
Professors staff

Сакенова З. М.

Дайрабаева А.С

Искаков Б.М.

Алиев У.Ж.

Дюсембаева Г.Б

Атирбеков А.Ш

Аипов Б.Б.
Старший преподаватель

Бабланов Т. К.

Бекбусинова Г. К.

Сарсенбаева К.А.

Кожахметов З.К

Беспаев М.Е

Шоимбаева С.А

Сартов У.К

Абдыгалиева Л.С

Сапарова Г.К

Кадирова Н.К

Насырова А.М

Рахметалиева С.А

Жунусова А.Ж.

Елшибекова К.Ж.

Серикбаева Б.М.

Бельгибаева К.К.

Yerlan K.